для 1 юношеского
No more than five jumps elements. Double Lutz (2Lz) and Double Flip (2F) are forbidden.
Necessarily: Double Salchow (2S) and Axel (1A)
One (1) any Cascade or Combination with the Axel in 1,5 (1А) and One (1) Cascade from unary and double jumps (1+2)
Or on the contrary (2+1)
(For example, 1S+2T or 2S+1T)
для 2 спортивного
No more than five jumps elements.
Any jumps in two turns are resolved.
Three (3) various jump in 2 turns, one (1) of which should be Flip 2 turns (2F) or Loop (2Lo)
One (1) any Cascade or Combination from two (2) double
Плюс и там и там заклон, комбинированное, спирали и дорожки
Уровень катания нормальный)))
разберетесь с англиским??
Еще подробнее могу кинуть на почту!