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В том документе написано change of position with a jump is planned as a separate Level feature
В новом документе с уровнями про вращения пишется
1) Difficult variations (count as many times as performed with limitations specified below)
2) Change of foot executed by jump
3) Jump within a spin without changing feet
4) Difficult variation of flying entrance/Landing on the same foot as take-off or
changing foot on landing in a Flying Sit Spin
5) Backward entrance
6) Clear change of edge in sit (only from backward inside to forward outside), camel,
Layback and Biellmann position
7) All 3 basic positions on both feet
8) Both directions immediately following each other in sit or camel spin
9) Clear increase of speed in camel, sit, layback or Biellmann position
10) At least 8 rev. without changes in position/variation, foot or edge (camel, layback,
difficult variation of any basic position or for combinations only non-basic position)
Additional features for the Layback spin:
11) One clear change of position backwards-sideways or reverse, at least 3 rev. in each
position (counts also if the Layback spin is a part of any other spin)
12) Biellmann position after Layback spin (SP – after 8 revolutions in layback spin)
Features 2 – 9, 11, 12 count only once per program (first time they are attempted). Feature 10 counts only once per program (first time it is successfully performed).
Any category of difficult spin variation in a basic position counts only once per program (first time it is attempted). A difficult variation in a non-basic position counts once per program in spin combination only (first time it is attempted).
In any spin with change of foot the maximum number of features attained on one foot
is two (2).
То есть, в итоге сформулировали это дело как подпрыжку внутри вращения отдельной чертой.