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ISU Volvo open cup 22nd (7-10.11.2013, Riga, Latvia)

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19.09.2013, 15:31
ISU Volvo open cup 22nd (7-10.11.2013, Riga, Latvia)
mamka01 пишет:
В какой категории может участвовать ребенок 2001г.р по группе А? Читаю, читаю, а понять не могу?

Если Вы внимательно читали мою переписку с Ольгой именно по ЭТОМУ ЖЕ вопросу, то заметили бы, что участвовать дети нашего возраста могут в novice basic и novice advanced.
Требования к программам описаны в коммюнике для Advanced Novice, Basic Novice A and B - №1760.
Выдержки из документа
Single Skating
Basic Novice subgroup A Free Skating 2:30 min, +/. 10 sec.
Basic Novice subgroup B Free Skating 3:00 min, +/. 10 sec.
Advanced Novice Short Program max. 2:30
Free Skating 3:00 min, +/. 10 sec. for girls
Free Skating 3:30 min, +/- 10 sec. for boys
Так как нас интересуют гёрлзы 2001 г.р., то:
2.3 Single Skating Advanced Novice - Girls and Boys
The Short Program for Boys’ Singles shall consist of the following elements:
a) Axel Paulsen or double Axel Paulsen
b) Double or triple jump immediately preceded by connecting steps, may not repeat jump in a)
c) One jump combination consisting of two double jumps or one double and one triple jump, both jumps may not repeat jump in a) or b)
d) Camel or sit spin (minimum of six (6) revolutions) with change of foot and no flying entrance.
e) Spin combination with only one change of foot (minimum of five (5) revolutions on each foot). Flying entry is allowed.
f) One step sequence with full utilization of the ice surface
The Short Program for Girls’ Singles shall consist of the following elements:
a) Axel Paulsen or double Axel Paulsen
b) Double or triple jump immediately preceded by connecting steps, may not repeat jump in a)
c) One jump combination consisting of two double jumps or one double and one triple jump, both jumps may not repeat jump in a) or b)
d) Layback or sideways leaning spin (minimum of six (6) revolutions)
e) Spin combination with only one change of foot (minimum of five (5) revolutions on each foot). Flying entry is allowed.
f) One step sequence with full utilization of the ice surface
Boys and Girls
A well balanced Free Skating program for Singles must contain:
a) Maximum 6 jump elements for Girls and 7 jump elements for Boys one of which must be
an Axel type jump. There may be up to two (2) jump combinations or sequences. A jump
combination can contain only two (2) jumps. A jump sequence can contain any number of
jumps, but only two most difficult jumps will be counted.
Only two (2) jumps with two and a half (2 1/2) revolutions or more can be repeated either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence.
b) There must be a maximum of two (2) spins of a different nature, one of which must be a spin combination (minimum of ten (10) revolutions) and one a flying spin or a spin with a flying entrance (minimum of six (6) revolutions).
c) There must be a maximum of one (1) step sequence

Всё понятно, чего тут непонятного
Не надо мне петь военных песен. Я их все наизусть знаю.

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