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ISU Volvo open cup 22nd (7-10.11.2013, Riga, Latvia)

Сообщений: 644
19.08.2013, 14:39
ISU Volvo open cup 22nd (7-10.11.2013, Riga, Latvia)


The Volvo Open Cup Figure Skating and Ice Dance is an International Competition for Men ,Ladies and Ice Dance ( Novices,Juniors,Seniors).It will be conducted in accordance with ISU Constitution and General Regulations 2012 & Technical Rules 2012 and the relevant ISU Communications.
Participation in the Volvo Cup is open to all Competitiors who belong to an ISU Member.

ORGANIZER: Figure Skating Club “Kristal Ice“, Riga, Latvia

E-mail: Kristal_ice@hello.lv
Phone number: +371 29548461
Fax: +371 67408274




Main Arena: Volvo Ice Rink,
Jurmalas gatve 78 D, Riga, Latvia.
( an indoor ice-rink with ice surface of 28 x 58 m , air-conditioned and heated)

Practice Arena : Volvo Ice Rink , Jurmalas Gatve 78 D , Riga,
( covered ice rink with ice surface of 28 x 58 m)

Both rinks are in same building.


All the members of ISU and Clubs,being members of National Skating Federations associated with ISU,are invited to take part in competition.
Each entry form must be signed by an authorized ISU Member Representative such as President,General Secretary or Executive Director.
Members can enter up to 3 Skaters/Couples into each category.
Substitute Skaters/Couples may be nominated in entry form.
Due to number of entries it will be decided how many additional Skaters /Couples can be accepted.
Organizer has a right to refuse or limit the participation in competition.Attached entry forms have to be filled in precisely and can be sent by e-mail on the address given below by 07 of October 2013.
All the non-ISU youngsters categories have to sent entry forms by same dates.
Technical data is attached below.

The deadline for entries is 07.10.2013

E-mail: Kristal_ice@hello.lv

Participation,Citizenship/Residency requirements and Clearance Procedure

All participants must meet participation, citizenship and residency requirements of Rule 109,paragraphs 1 though 5 and ISU communication 1420 or any update of this Communication.
At accreditation skaters must provide their passports and their ISU Clearance Sertificate, if necessary.



Advanced Novice, Junior, Senior category - 75 euro
Basic Novice – 60 euro



Entry fees must be payed after confirmation of member participation. Entry fees must be payed with one (1) transaction for all the country/member participants.
All the member will not take part in competition in a case of not payed participant.
Organizer will not return entry fees but the participant’s prize will be awarded to the canceled participant or him/her team.
With the deadline of entries Entry Fees have to be transferred to following bank account :

Sia "Kristal Ice"
LV 40003763273
DnB bank
LV21RIKO0002930054380 - account number for euro payments

Please note : Entries are only accepted if entry fee had arrived at the Organizers account.A respective confirmation will be forwarded to the Members concerned.


All participants and teams must pay the accommodation and transportation themselves.
Organizer will not cover any expences of competitiors.


Members are kindly requested to nominate one International/ISU TS,TC or JUDGE.
Double duty ( Singles/Ice Dance) are very welcome.The nomination of one substitute is appreciated.
The final composition of the panels will be done after the close of entries and will be published to participating Member in time.
The Organizer will cover the accommodation for INVITED officials only.
Meals for invited officials will be provided at the ice-rink during the days of competition.


In accordance to ISU Constitution, rule 119, all participants act at their own responsibility.


Each team has the right to submit protest against the judges’ decision. Protests must be submitted to the Referee of the relevant event at the latest immediately after the event. Upon the submission of the protest a protest fee of 50 EUR must be paid. The referee’s decision is final. In the new ISU Judging Systems no protests can be filed against the judges (see Rule 123), but against the right determination of the executed element or any calculation error. In the ISU Judging System protest can be summited in 24 hours after subsegmen (e.g. Short Program) and before the awarding ceremony after the final segment (e.g. Free Skating). Protest must be done in a writted form to the referee of the relevant segment. Please read ISU Rule 123.


All the skaters, coaches, judges, chaperons should follow the ISU com. 1433. Action against this rule conducts behind itself the disqualification of skater.


All competitors shall furnish competition music of excellent quality on CD format.
In accordance with Rule 343 all discs must have Competitor `s name, Member`s name and the exact running time of the Music ( not skating time) including any starting signal and must be submitted at the time of registration.


All athletes who participate in competition must send their planned program contents by the 20.10.2013.
Planned Program Contents Sheets (see Appendix 2) must be filled according to ISU Nomenclature for season 2013/2014 (available on www.isu.org).
Please send them to: kristal_ice@hello.lv


The first Three best placed competitors in each event will be awarded by Medals or Trophies , special presents and diplomas; others by diplomas and presents


The determination and publication of the results will be done according to ISU Technical Rules for Singles & Pair Skating and Ice Dance 2012, Rule 352 ,Rule 353

Result information and detailed protocols will be avaliable on listed websites:


The Organizer will make the room arrangements for INVITED officials only.
Skaters ,coaches and other team members can book accommodation themselves


Official hotel for skaters is
Draw and all the information as starting orders,results,protocols will be available there during competitions.
Transfer from hotel till/from icerink and till/from airport will be available for special price.
All the skaters can use parking, fitness and wifi free of charge.
Special prices for hotel reservation using code " KRISTAL ICE/VOLVO CUP"

single room - 50 euro
double room - 60 euro
tripple room - 75 euro
extra bed - 20 euro
including breakfast

e`mail for reservations : liene@maritim.lv

The „MARITIM PARK HOTEL„ 4* ( 5 min from icerink by bus, transfer for additional special price is available);
All rooms are equipped with: air conditioner bath or shower, hair dryer, satellite TV, Internet connection, direct-dial telephone and fridge. The above mentioned rates are in EUR per room per night and they include the following services: Accommodation in required room category, Breakfast Buffet, Service Charges, VAT, Parking lot.


The competition will start on Thursday ,November 7 and will be finished on Sunday,November 10.Detailed time schedule will be send to all members soon after the close of entries.
Ответов:  147
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Сообщений: 14
13.09.2013, 12:00
Olga_jk пишет:

Про пустые трибуны-это Вы зря,на наших соревнованиях всегда собирается много спортсменов хорошего уровня и зрителей хватает. В архиве ТВ есть новости ,там видно количество зрителей мельком.
У малышей поменьше народу...А прошлогодний ИСУ турнир с пустыми трибунами не стоял,да и фамилии в протоколах всегда можно найти ( предыдущих соревнований)

несколько лет не смотрели ваши соревнования, возможно, многое поменялось, и я как любитель этого вида спорта, буду только рада!
Сообщений: 644
13.09.2013, 17:58

Списки участников и расписание соревнований будут опубликованы после окончания срока подачи заявок
Сообщений: 638
16.09.2013, 09:31
Olga_jk пишет:
na www.isu.org есть положение ,со всеми подробностями,в разделе events calendar

Не осилил найти положение. Только список соревнований. Помогите прямой ссылкой, если Вам не сложно
Не надо мне петь военных песен. Я их все наизусть знаю.
Сообщений: 9356
16.09.2013, 10:04
Балабас пишет:
Не осилил найти положение. Только список соревнований. Помогите прямой ссылкой, если Вам не сложно

Сообщений: 644
16.09.2013, 11:55


А в принципе оно же скопировано вверху темы(только без заявочных форм)
Сообщений: 638
16.09.2013, 13:48
Olga_jk пишет:
А в принципе оно же скопировано вверху темы(только без заявочных форм)

Блин, прошу прощения - я криво выражаюсь.
В положении не вижу требования к программам Novice A или Springs A, куда моё дитё проходит по возрасту.
Вы сказали, что есть на isu.org - так я там и не могу найти требования к программам по этому возрасту.
В положении их тоже нет (только для B категории вижу).
Вот и хотелось бы посмотреть требования к программам категории А (количество, длительность и т.п.)
Не надо мне петь военных песен. Я их все наизусть знаю.
Сообщений: 638
16.09.2013, 13:55
Olga_jk пишет:
по Вашей ссылке мне выходит поисковая форма
"Search the ISU Calendar" с предложением выбрать критерии для поиска.

Не надо мне петь военных песен. Я их все наизусть знаю.
Сообщений: 644
16.09.2013, 14:31

Technical data for Volvo Cup
season 2013/2014

All the ISU categories ( Basic Novice A&B, Advanced Novice, Junior, Senior, Ice-Dance) will be judged in accordance with the latest ISU RULES and communications

NON ISU Ice Dance ( Basic Novice Ice Dance couples who is not reached official age for ISU requirements)


A class
CHICKS A Free Skating only

Girls and Boys (2005/2006 and younger)
2 min., +/- 10 sec.

a) maximum of four (4) jump elements (one of which must be an Axel type jump);
b) maximum of two (2) jump combinations or sequences ( jump combination can contain only two (2) jumps )
c) maximum of two (2) spins of a different nature (minimum of 3 revolutions each);
d) one (1) step sequence.

CUBS A Free Skating only

Girls and Boys (2003/2004)
2 min. 30 sec., +/- 10 sec.

a) maximum of four (4) jump elements (one of which must be an Axel type jump);
b) maximum of two (2) jump combinations or sequences (Only one jump combination may consist of three (3) jumps);
c) maximum of two (2) spins of a different nature, one of which must be a spin combination with one (1) change of foot and at least one (1) change of position (minimum of three (3) revolutions on each foot), one spin is optional (minimum of three (3) revolutions);
d) one step sequence.


1. In all categories listed above the Program Components are only judged in

• Skating Skills
• Transitions
• Performance, program composition, music interpretation

The Factor of the Program Components is
• for boys 2.0
• for girls 1.7

2. In all elements which are subject to Levels, only features up to Level 2 will be counted. Any additional features will not count for Level requirements and will be ignored by the Technical Panel.

3. Evaluation is in accordance with ISU Communication No. 1724 (or any update of this Communication).
4. No jump with the same name may be repeated more than twice including Axel type jumps.
5. A jump sequence can contain any number of jumps, but only two (2) most difficult jumps will be counted.
6. Time violation - 0.5 point deduction for every 5 seconds in excess.
7. Falls - 0.5 point deduction for every fall

B class

Pre-Chicks B Free Skating only

Girls and Boys ( 2007 and younger)
2 min., +/- 10 sec.

a) maximum of four (4) jump elements minimum of two ( 2 ) jump elements
b) maximum of two (2) jump combinations or sequences ( jump combination can contain only two (2) jumps. A jump combination containing three (3) jumps is not allowed);
c) maximum of two (2) spins of a different nature (minimum of 3 revolutions each);
d) one (1) step sequence.

• Axel,Lutz,Flip and double (2) jumps are not allowed in pre-chicks category!!!

CHICKS B Free Skating only

Girls and Boys (2005/2006 and younger)
2 min., +/- 10 sec.

a) maximum of four (4) jump elements
b) maximum of two (2) jump combinations or sequences ( NB! A jump combination can contain only two (2) jumps. A jump combination containing three (3) jumps is not permitted);
c) maximum of two (2) spins of a different nature (minimum of 3 revolutions each);
d) one (1) step sequence.

• Axel and double (2) jumps are not allowed

CUBS B Free Skating only

Girls and Boys (2003/2004)
2 min. 30 sec., +/- 10 sec.

a) maximum of four (4) jump elements;
b) maximum of two (2) jump combinations or sequences (Only one jump combination may consist of three (3) jumps);
c) maximum of two (2) spins of a different nature (minimum of three (3) revolutions);
d) one step sequence.

• Axel and one (1) double jump are allowed not more than two (2) times.

SPRINGS B Free Skating only

Girls and Boys (2001/2002)
2 min. 30 sec., +/- 10 sec.

a) maximum of five (5) jump elements (one of which must be an Axel type jump;
b) maximum of two (2) jump combinations or sequences (Only one jump combination may consist of three (3) jumps);
c) maximum of three (3) spins of a different nature (minimum of three (3) revolutions);
d) one step sequence.

• Maximum 2 (two) different double jumps are allowed and they cannot be repeated more than twice.


1. In all categories listed above the Program Components are only judged in
• Skating Skills
• Transitions
• Performance, program composition, music interpretation
The Factor of the Program Components is
• for boys 2.0
• for girls 1.7
2. In all elements which are subject to Levels, only features up to Level Base will be counted. Any additional features will not count for Level requirements and will be ignored by the Technical Panel.

3. Evaluation is in accordance with ISU Communication No. 1724 (or any update of this Communication).
4. No jump with the same name may be repeated more than twice including Axel type jumps.
5. A jump sequence can contain any number of jumps, but only two (2) most difficult jumps will be counted.
6. Time violation - 0.5 point deduction for every 5 seconds in excess
7. Falls - Pre-Chicks, Chicks, Cubs • 0.25 point deduction for every fall
Springs • 0.5 point deduction for every fall

NOVICE B Free Skating only
Age limits:
• has reached at least the age of ten (10)
• has not reached the age of thirteen (15)
before July 1st preceding the event
3 min., +/- 10 sec.
a) Maximum of 5 jump elements for Girls and 6 jump elements for Boys one of which must be an Axel type jump.
There may be up to two (2) jump combinations or sequences. A jump combination can contain only two (2) jumps. A jump sequence can contain any number of jumps, but only two most difficult jumps will be counted.
Any jump with the same name cannot be included more than two (2) times in total.
b) There must be a maximum of three (3) spins of a different nature, one of which must be a spin combination (minimum of ten (10) revolutions in total), one a flying spin or a spin with a flying entrance (minimum of five (5) revolutions in total) and one spin is optional (minimum of five (5) revolutions).
c) There must be a maximum:
(i) for Girls one (1) step sequence or one (1) spiral sequence consisting of maximum two (2) spiral positions. The sequence (step or spiral) will have a fixed Base value and evaluated in GOE only.
(ii) for Boys maximum of one (1) step sequence with a fixed Base value and evaluated in GOE only.
• Double Axel and triple jumps are not allowed.
The Program Components are only judged in
• Skating Skills
• Performance/Execution
• Interpretation
The Factor of the Program Components is
• for boys 2.0
• for girls 1.7
Levels explanations:
In all elements which are subject to Levels, only features up to Level 2 will be counted. Any additional features will not count for Level requirements and will be ignored by the Technical Panel.
JUNIOR B Free Skating only
3 min., +/- 10 sec.
a) maximum of five (5) jump elements one of which must be an Axel type jump;
b) maximum of two (2) jump combinations or sequences;
c) three (3) spins of a different nature, one of which must be a spin combination (minimum of ten (10) revolutions in total), one a flying spin (minimum of six (6) revolutions) and one spin is optional (minimum of six (6) revolutions);
d) one(1) step sequence.
The Program Components are only judged in
• Skating Skills
• Transitions
• Performance/Execution
• Interpretation
The factor for the Program Components is
• for boys 2.0
• for girls 1.7
Levels explanations:
In all elements which are subject to Levels, only features up to Level 2 will be counted. Any additional features will not count for Level requirements and will be ignored by the Technical Panel.
Сообщений: 644
16.09.2013, 14:33

А в ИСУ календаре выбираете 2013 год и по списку ищете ноябрь-Volvo Open Cup 22nd
Сообщений: 644
16.09.2013, 14:37

Novice A - ISU разряд ,смотрите последние коммунике
Сообщений: 638
16.09.2013, 15:00
Olga_jk пишет:
na www.isu.org есть положение ,со всеми подробностями,в разделе events calendar
Не осилил. Нашёл только соревнования
Не надо мне петь военных песен. Я их все наизусть знаю.
Сообщений: 644
16.09.2013, 15:46

Ваш ребёнок какого года рождения?
Одну или две программы катает? Сейчас вычислим в какой разряд целесообразней

Пишите на kristal_ice@hello.lv , я Вам могу ответить подробнее
Сообщений: 644
18.09.2013, 11:19

Коммюнике для Advanced Novice, Basic Novice A and B - nr.1760 isu comm.
Сообщений: 17
18.09.2013, 23:59
Скажите, пожалуйста, во сколько закончатся соревнования 10 ноября? Хотелось бы успеть улететь вечером в воскресенье.
Сообщений: 644
19.09.2013, 00:06

Предположительно до 18-19 . А вы в какой разряд?
Сообщений: 17
19.09.2013, 00:39
Ребенок 2002 г. Springs B или Novice B (дети 10-15 лет), видимо.
По 2002 г не увидели категорий А...
Сообщений: 644
19.09.2013, 00:42

А вы уже заявку прислали? Или только предположения? 2002 может быть и novice basic и novice advanced
Сообщений: 17
19.09.2013, 00:45
Ольга, спасибо Вам за оперативный ответ!! )

Пока только планируем, чтобы четко понять возможность и способы транспортировки
Сообщений: 644
19.09.2013, 01:02

B группа будет катать в субботу-воскресенье,а ису разряды,в том числе и novice могут и в любой день..если у вас сомнения по разрядам,то пишите,найдём оптимальный
Сообщений: 45
19.09.2013, 13:36
В какой категории может участвовать ребенок 2001г.р по группе А? Читаю, читаю, а понять не могу?
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