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Чемпионат мира по фигурному катанию 26–30 марта 2014 в Саитаме, Япония

Сообщений: 177
28.03.2014, 23:23
Чемпионат мира по фигурному катанию 26–30 марта 2014 в Саитаме, Япония
Mikaella пишет:
можно ссылочку на правила, я их тоже найти никак не могу

Countries earn a second or third entry for the following year's competition by earning points through skater placement. The points are equal to the sum of the placements of the country's skaters (top two if they have three). Entries do not carry over and so countries must continue to earn their second or third spot every year. If a country only has one skater/team, that skater/team must place in the top ten to earn a second entry and in the top two to earn three entries to next year's championships. If a country has two skaters/teams, the combined placement of those teams must be 13 or fewer to qualify 3 entries, and 28 or fewer to keep their two entries. If they do not do so, they only have one entry for the following year.

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