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Международные соревнования Vinnitsa Trophy 2015

Сообщений: 320
01.10.2014, 18:33
Международные соревнования Vinnitsa Trophy 2015
Уважаемые любители фигурного катания!
Приглашаем всех принять участие 19-22 февраля 2015г. в международных соревнованиях по фигурному катанию на коньках VINNITSA TROPHY 2015, которые пройдут на Ледовой арене "Мегамол", г.Винница, ул.600-летия, 17.
Соревнования будут проходить в двух группах: группа А (учащиеся школ и клубов, занимающиеся более 3-х раз в неделю) и группа В (занимающиеся до 3-х раз в неделю). Соревнования будут проходить по категориям: одиночное катание, спортивные пары, спортивные танцы на льду.
Будем рады приветствовать всех участников на гостиприимном льду Винницы!
Ответов:  25
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Сообщений: 320
01.10.2014, 18:45
Уважаемые любители фигурного катания! Положение о соревнованиях и форма заявки будет выложена в ближайшее время. Хочу также уточнить, что соревнования будут проводиться по правилам ИСУ, поэтому прошу заранее корректировать в программах количество элементов и время программы. Если у вас есть дополнительные вопросы, вы можете их прислать на электронную почту iceseminar@mail.ru либо в личном сообщении на данном сайте. С уважением, Оргкомитет
Предварительное расписание:
19 февраля 2015 г. - день приезда, регистрация, жеребьевка, гала-шоу
20 февраля, 21 февраля 2015 г. - соревнования
22 февраля 2015 г. - соревнования, день отъезда
Сообщений: 23
01.10.2014, 21:11
Да, с удовольствием приняли бы участие , дело даже не в дальности поездки. У вас война и не известно когда закончится . Мы "москали" и хочется домой тоже вернуться с живыми детьми.
Сообщений: 320
01.10.2014, 22:29
Здравствуйте, уважаемый Шарль! Некоторые предубеждения имеют место безусловно. Но в прошлом году участникам из России не помешали никакие события быть у нас на турнире и никто не кричал, что они не той национальности. Наоборот участники остались довольны пребыванием у нас в гостях. Ну и если Вы посмотрите на карту, то Винница не находится в другой части страны. И хочу добавить. Не мешайте политические моменты со спортом. Надеюсь, что ваше мнение измениться. С уважением, Оргкомитет
Сообщений: 320
03.10.2014, 14:43
Уважаемые взрослые любители фигурного катания! Приглашаем вас принять участие в нашем турнире в группу В. Будем рады приветсвовать вас в Виннице!
Сообщений: 37
03.10.2014, 22:17
iceseminar Добрый день, спасибо за приглашение. Шарль права, пока в стране идут военные действие и отношение к Россиянам со стороны некоторых жителей и тем более властей отрицательное, только идиот согласится находится на территории с отсутствием защиты для себя и тем более ребенка от местных силовых структур. Я и многие другие граждане России желаем скорейшего окончания этого безумия и скорейшего мирного неба над братской, независимой Украиной. Тамара, пока в в учебник истории вписывается новая тема для изучения нашими потомками, приезжайте лучше к нам в Россию и участвуйте в соревнованиях. Будем рады.
Сообщений: 320
03.10.2014, 23:10
Здравствуйте. Ну принимать или не принимать участие в соревнованиях это личное дело каждого. Еще раз повторюсь, пожалуйста оставте политику вне даной темы. Винница находится в другой части страны, там тихо и спокойно. В прошлом году очень много было участников из Российской Федерации, все ехали через Киев, в котором были военные безпорядки. Все живы-здоровы, и остались довольны. Также были участники еще из 6 стран, тоже все уехали здоровы. И на этом старте будет также все в порядке. Спорт объединяет. С ув. Оргкомитет
Сообщений: 37
03.10.2014, 23:36
iceseminar Вы не правильно понимаете ситуацию о нахождению граждан России на территории Украины. Причем здесь политика??? Безопасность- в этом вопрос! Кто даст гарантии по безопасности при нахождении участников соревнований на территории государства Украина ? Кто окажет помощь в экстренной ситуации? Какие гарантии об оказании медицинской помощи? И так далее. Организаторы соревнований таких гарантий не дадут.
04.10.2014, 00:05
У меня есть настоятельное предложение, продолжить вопросы, связанные прямо или косвенно с политикой, обсуждать на специализированных ресурсах, их очень много и на разный вкус.

1) никто, как я понимаю, никого никуда ехать не заставляет, у всех, хочется верить, свои мозги
2) на Тулупе довольно много посетителей из Украины, которым эти соревнования тоже могут быть интересны.

vrn1 пишет:
Безопасность- в этом вопрос! Кто даст гарантии по безопасности при нахождении участников соревнований на территории государства Украина ? Кто окажет помощь в экстренной ситуации? Какие гарантии об оказании медицинской помощи? И так далее.

Это очень правильные вопросы, и как раз полезные в формате форумов, для обмена информацией. Ну с поправкой, что относится это к любым выездам за границу (у каждой страны может быть своя специфика). И правовые вопросы, и медицинские, и страховки, и т.п.
Сообщений: 320
04.10.2014, 04:11
vrn1 здраствуйте! Вы меня конечно извините, но Вы что считаете, что в Украине нет врачей? Я вообще не понимаю этого вопроса. На соревнованиях присутствует дежурный врач катка и дежурит две кареты скорой медицинской помощи. Это стандрартное количество медиков для таких соревнований. А что касается всего остального, то это вопрос личного характера. Я надеюсь, что Российская Федерация будет среди тех 10 стран, которые посетят наш старт и как обычно зададут хороший уровень. С ув. Оргкомитет
Сообщений: 320
04.11.2014, 20:19
Уважаемые поклонники фигурного катания, участники, коллеги! В декабре 2013г. с успехом прошли первые соревнования VINNITSA TROPHY. Ольга Сытник в своих статьях поделилась впечатлениями о прошедшем турнире, с которыми вы можете ознакомиться по ссылкам: http://www.skating.com.ua/news/vinnitsa-trophy-2013-12-14-dekabrya-2013 http://www.skating.com.ua/news/vinnitsa-trophy-2013-12-14-dekabrya-2013
Участники соревнований остались довольны как атмосферой соревнований, так и подарками от спонсоров турнира и организаторов соревнований - американской компании Rokerz и компании Graf-Украина, Спортивного клуба "Симфония на льду".
Сообщений: 320
04.11.2014, 21:48
Welcome to Vinnitsa!

West-Ukrainian League of figure skating and the Organizing Committee,

we are glad to invite you to participate in the VINNITSA TROPHY 2015

Figure Skating & Ice Dance Competition

The VINNITSA TROPHY 2015 will be conducted in accordance with the ISU Constitution and General Regulations 2014, the Special Regulations and Technical Rules Single & Pair Skating and Ice Dance 2014 as well as all pertinent ISU Communications and valid decisions of the ISU Congress 2014. To participate in competitions active athletes, members of the federations and amateur figure skating.

The Competition will be held at the Ice Arena Megamol.
Ukraine, Vinnitsa, street 600th anniversary, 17
Training will be held on Arena «LEDOVYJ MAJDANHIK”
DATES: February 19-22, 2015
The venue has main arena (30m x 60 m)
February 19 - the day of arrival, accreditation, the draw, the gala show
20, 21, 22 February - Competition

Categories group A:
Single Skating
- Junior
- Advanced Novice
- Basic Novice A
- Basic Novice B
- Cubs
- Chicks
- Pre-Chicks
Ice Dance
- Junior, NON-ISU Junior
- Advanced Novice
- Basic Novice, NON-ISU Basic Novice
Advanced Novice

Categories group B:
Single Skating
- Beginners
- Pre-bronze
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
- Masters

Categories by age group B:

Class I 5-7 years from 1 July 2007 to 31 December 2009 GR
Class II 7-9 years with July 1, 2005 to December 31, 2007 GR
Class III 9-12 years with 1 July 2002 to 30 June 2005, GR
Class IV 12-16 years with July 1, 1998 through June 30, 2002 GR
Class V 16-26 years with July 1, 1988 through June 30, 1998 GR
Class VI 26-36 years with July 1, 1978 through June 30, 1988 GR
Class VII 36-46 years with July 1, 1968 through June 30, 1978 GR
Class VIII 46-56 s 1 July 1958 to 30 June 1968, GR
Class IX 56-75 years with July 1, 1939 through June 30, 1958 GR

Categories BEGINNERS-1, BEGINNERS-2 allowed these children's birth 2011-2006.

The organizers reserve right to combine age groups, if stated in the category of less than three

Each Member may enter 5 Competitors in each category. In case of too many entries, the Organizer reserves the right to limit the number of participants. Entries must be sent to the Organizer using the official entry forms. Entries must be made by the Member concerned and forwarded by letter, fax of electronic mail. The entry forms listing Competitors and substitutes must be sent to:

VINNITSA TROPHY 2015 Organizing Committee:
Committee on Youth and Sports of Vinnytsia City Council, SK Ice Symphony
Tel: + 38 063 5295965
E-mail: iceseminar@mail.ru Contact person: Tamara Tsymbal

Referee Panel: included in the international referees from Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, the Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine.

Before February 1, 2015 necessary to make the entry fee to the account. Only after payment of the entry fee will be the athlete on the list of competitors.
Preliminary entries indicating the number of Skaters & Judges in the disciplines concerned must be made not later than February 1, 2015

All Competitors shall furnish competition music of excellent quality on CD format, in accordance with Rule 343, paragraph 1. All discs must show Competitor’s name & the Nation. Each program (short program, free skating, short dance, free dance) must be recorded on a separate disc.

Judging and calculations will be done according to ISU Special Regulations Single & Pair Skating and Ice Dance, Rule 352 and 353. The three best-placed Skaters/Couples in each event will be announced and honoured at the official Victory Ceremony. Winners will be awarded with medals, diplomas and cups. All competitors will be awarded gifts. Awarding held after each event.

Accreditation will be given to all Event Referees, Technical Controllers, Technical Specialists, Data / Video Operator, all accepted Judges, Participants, one Team Leader and one Coach per Skater / Couple. Accreditation will not be issued without presentation of a valid passport. Accreditation will be given in the Ice Arena Megamol at the Accreditation Office. If the required forms are not complete and music discs are not provided, accreditation will not be given.

€ 25 for Beginners , € (EURO) 30 for Single skater and € 45 for Pair or Dance couple have to be paid at the registration before the Competition. A shuttle service from the airport, bus station, railway station for a fee.
Entry fee goes to pay rent ice premium fund and payment of refereeing. Competitors are provided locker rooms, a café, a place for spectators. Exit to the rink for accreditation only to representatives of teams (not more than 2 people on the team). To obtain accreditation must submit in advance a list of participants, coaches and officials. The costs of travel, accommodation and meals at the expense of the sending organization.

The official hotel for Judges, Team Officials, Skaters, Team Leaders, Coaches and Competitors:

1. Hotel Vinnitsa
The official website of the hotel Vinnitsa: hotel-savoy.vn.ua
Phone: +38 (0432) 61-03-32

2. Hotel Podolye
address: Vinnytsia, str. Pushkin, 4
WEB: podolye-hotel.org.ua
+38 (065) 2544-999, +38 (065) 2709-111, +38 (065) 2541-110
+38 (066) 949-16-11, +38 (093) 042-21-73, +38 (096) 582-61-74
E-mail: info@sezon.in; skype: sezon-krim; icq: 626238920

3. Hotel Versal
The official website of the hotel Versailles: hotel-versal.com
Phone: +38 (0432) 27-37-13, +38 (0432) 09.27.60

4. Hotel Gostinniy dvor
address: Vinnytsia, str. Pirogov 135
Reservations:+38 (065) 2709-111, +38 (065) 2544-999, +38 (065) 2541-110, +38 (066) 949-16-11, +38 (093) 042-21-73, + 38 (096) 582-61-74
E-mail: info@sezon.in; skype: sezon-krim; icq: 626238920

For participants, accompanying persons will be organized food in the restaurant Amagama Ice Arena Megamol

According to the ISU Rule 119, the Organizer accepts no liability for bodily or personal injury, or for property lost or damage incurred by any Competitors or any kind of Officials. The Organizer will provide medical emergency aid during the Сompetition.


During the competition will be carried out photos and videos, immediately upon completion of the form you can order and pick up the electronic counterparts at the photographer's photos, and videos can order the computer team. The organizing committee reserves the right to publish the photos and video on the subject sites, the media, etc., in the form of reports and in order to promote figure skating.

This provision is an official call to the start!!!

Сообщений: 320
04.11.2014, 21:57
Group A
All categories according to ISU rules 2014 and the New Judging System.

Junior MEN
Short Program
The required elements to be skated are those listed in ISU Technical Rules Single & Pair Skating 2014, Rule 611, paragraphs 1 and 2 and the respective ISU Communications.
Duration: 2 min., 50 sec. maximum, but may be less

Free Skating
In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Single and Pair Skating 2014, Rule 612 and the respective ISU Communication.

Duration: 4 min., +/- 10 sec.

Short Program
The required elements to be skated are those listed in ISU Technical Rules Single and Pair Skating 2014, Rule 611, para 1 and 2 and the respective ISU Communication.
Duration: 2 min., 50 sec. maximum, but may be less

Free Skating
In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Single and Pair Skating 2014, Rule 612 and the respective ISU Communication.
Duration: 3 min., 30 sec. +/- 10 sec.


Short Dance In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Ice Dance 2014, Rule 709. Rhythms, required elements and guidelines are those listed in ISU Communication 1857 and subsequent updates.
Duration: 2 min., 50 sec., +/- 10 sec

Free Dance In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Ice Dance 2014, Rule 710. The required elements to be skated are those listed in ISU Communication 1857 and subsequent updates.
Duration: 3 min., 30 sec., +/- 10 sec

Junior Pairs

Short Program The required elements to be skated are those listed in ISU Technical Rules Single and Pair Skating 2014, Rule 620, para 1 and 2, group for 2014/15 and the respective ISU Communication.
Duration: 2 min., 50 sec. maximum, but may be less

Free Skating In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Single and Pair Skating 2014, Rule 621 for 2014/15 and the respective ISU Communication.
Duration: 4 min., +/- 10 sec.


Novice Categories will be held in accordance with the ISU Technical Rules Single & Pair Skating and Ice Dance 2014 and the respective ISU Communications 1886.
“In International Novice Competitions a Novice is a Skater who has met the following requirements before July 1st preceding the competitions:
i) has reached at least the age of ten (10);
ii) has not reached the age of fifteen (15).”

Advanced Novice

Short Program
In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Single and Pair Skating 2014 and the respective ISU Communications
Duration: 2 mins., 30 sec +/- 10 sec

The Short Program for Boys’ Singles shall consist of the following elements:
a) Axel Paulsen or double Axel Paulsen
b) Double or triple jump immediately preceded by connecting steps, may not repeat jump in a)
c) One jump combination consisting of two double jumps or one double and one triple jump, both jumps may not repeat jump in a) or b)
d) Camel or sit spin (minimum of six (6) revolutions) with change of foot and no flying entrance.
e) Spin combination with only one change of foot (minimum of five (5) revolutions on each foot). Flying entry is allowed.
f) One step sequence fully utilizing the ice surface.

The Short Program for Girls’ Singles shall consist of the following elements:
a) Axel Paulsen or double Axel Paulsen
b) Double or triple jump immediately preceded by connecting steps, may not repeat jump in a)
c) One jump combination consisting of two double jumps or one double and one triple jump, both jumps may not repeat jump in a) or b)
d) Layback or sideways leaning spin (minimum of six (6) revolutions)
e) Spin combination with only one change of foot (minimum of five (5) revolutions on each foot). Flying entry is allowed.
f) One step sequence fully utilizing the ice surface.

Jumps not according to Short Program requirements (wrong number of revolutions) will
receive no value.

Free Skating
In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Single and Pair Skating 2014 and the respective ISU Communications
Duration: 3 mins., 30 sec. +/- 10 sec

Boys and Girls

A well balanced Free Skating program for Singles must contain:
a) Maximum 6 jump elements for Girls and 7 jump elements for Boys one of which must be an Axel type jump. There may be up to two (2) jump combinations or sequences. A jump combination can contain only two (2) jumps. A jump sequence can contain any number of
jumps, but only two most difficult jumps will be counted. Only two (2) jumps with three (3) or more revolutions can be repeated either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence. Any single and double jump (including Double Axel) cannot be executed more than twice in total.
b) There must be a maximum of two (2) spins of a different nature, one of which must be a spin combination (minimum of ten (10) revolutions) and one a flying spin or a spin with a flying entrance (minimum of six (6) revolutions).
c) There must be a maximum of one (1) step sequence

Levels explanations:
For Advanced Novice Singles, in all elements which are subject to Levels, only features up to Level 3 will be counted. Any additional features will not count for Level requirements and will be ignored by the Technical Panel.

The Program Components are only judged in
• Skating Skills
• Transitions
• Performance/Execution
• Interpretation
The factors for the Program Components is
The factors for the Program Components is
a) Short Program
- for boys 0.9
- for girls 0.8
b) Free Skating
- for boys 1.8
- for girls 1.6
Advanced Novice Ice Dance

Pattern Dance

Rule 711, paragraph 1: for Novice International Competitions, the list of Pattern Dances will be announced annually by the Ice Dance Technical Committee in an ISU Communication not later than June 1st, to become effective on July 1st of the year following the announcement.

Two (2) Pattern Dances are to be skated:
Group 2: #3 Rocker Foxtrot and #9 Starlight Waltz

All Components of Pattern Dances are judged.
The factor of the Components is 0.7.

Free Dance
In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Ice Dance 2014 and all pertinent ISU Communications. The required elements to be skated are those listed in ISU Communication 1886 and subsequent updates.
Duration: 3 mins. +/- 10 sec

Rule 710 shall apply (including that the music may be vocal).

A Well Balanced Free Dance program must contain
a) Not more than

two (2) different Types of Short Lifts
b) One (1) Spin, but not more

Note: A Combination Spin is not permitted.
c) One (1) Straight Line Step Sequence (Midline or Diagonal) in Hold or Curved Step Sequence (Circular or Serpentine) in Hold

The restrictions listed in ISU Communication 1857 and subsequent updates of this ISU Communication apply.
d) One (1) Set of Synchronized Twizzles

Levels explanations
In all Required Elements, all features up to Level 4 will be counted.
All Program Components are judged.
The factor of the Program Components is 1.0.

Pair Skating Advanced Novice

Short Program max. 2:30
Free Skating 3:30 min, +/. 10 sec.

The Short Program for Pairs shall consist of the following elements:
a) One lift of Groups 1 to 4, one arm holds not allowed
b) One Twist lift (single or double)
c) One solo jump (single or double)
d) One solo spin or solo spin combination (minimum of five (5) revolutions in total)
e) One death spiral
f) One step sequence fully utilizing the ice surface

A well balanced Free Skating program must contain a maximum of:
g) Two different lifts of Groups 1 to 4, one arm holds not allowed, (in group 1 and 2 full extension of the lifting arm of the partner is not required).
h) One Twist lift (single or double)
i) One Throw jump (single or double)
j) One solo jump (single or double)
k) One pair spin or pair spin combination (minimum of five (5) revolutions in total)
l) One death spiral
m) One step sequence fully utilizing the ice surface

Levels explanations:
For Advanced Novice Pairs, in all elements that are subject to Levels, only features up to Level 3 will be counted. Any additional features will not count for Level requirements and will be ignored by the Technical Panel.
The Program Components are only judged in
 Skating Skills
 Transitions
 Performance/Execution
 Interpretation

The Factor of the Program Components is:
a) Short Program 0.8
b) Free Skating 1.6
Сообщений: 320
04.11.2014, 22:05
Basic Novice B (older subgroup)
Age requirements
a.) Has reached at least the age of thirteen (13)
b.) Has NOT reached the age of fifteen (15) for girls and boys

Free Skating
A well balanced free skating program has to meet with ISU Communication 1649 and all respective ISU Communications.
Duration: 3 mins +/- 10 sec for boys and girls

A well balanced Free Skating program for Singles B boys and girls must contain:
a) Maximum of 5 jump elements for Girls and 6 jump elements for Boys one of which must be an Axel type jump. There may be up to two (2) jump combinations or sequences. A jump combination can contain only two (2) jumps. A jump sequence can contain any number of jumps, but only two most difficult jumps will be counted. Only two (2) jumps with two and a half (2 1/2) or more revolutions can be repeated either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence. Any single and double jump (including Double Axel) cannot be executed more than twice in total.
b) There must be a maximum of two (2) spins of a different nature, one of which must be a spin combination (minimum of ten (10) revolutions in total) and one a flying spin or a spin with a flying entrance (minimum of six (6) revolutions in total).
c) There must be one (1) step sequence fully utilizing the ice surface.

The Program Components are only judged in
• Skating Skills
• Performance/Execution
• Interpretation
The Factor of the Program Components is
for boys 2.0
for girls 1.7

Levels explanations:
For Basic Novice B Singles, in all elements which are subject to Levels, only features up to Level 2 will be counted. Any additional features will not count for Level requirements and will be ignored by the Technical Panel.

Basic Novice A (younger subgroup)
Age requirements
a.) Has reached at least the age of ten (10)
b.) Has NOT reached the age of thirteen (13) for girls and boys

Free Skating
A well balanced free skating program has to meet with ISU Communication 1649 and all respective ISU Communications (ISU Communication 1760).
Duration: 2 mins., 30 sec.

A well balanced Free Skating program for Singles A must contain:
a) Maximum of 4 jump elements for Girls and Boys one of which must be an Axel type jump. There may be up to two (2) jump combinations or sequences. Jump combinations can contain only two (2) jumps. A jump sequence can contain any number of jumps, but only two most difficult jumps will be counted. Triple jumps are not permitted. Any single and double jump (including Double Axel) cannot be executed more than twice in total.
b) There must be a maximum of two (2) spins of a different nature (abbreviation), one of which must be a spin combination with or without change of foot (minimum of six (6) revolutions in total) and one spin with no change of position and with or without change of foot (minimum of six (6) revolutions in total). Flying entry is allowed.
c) There must be one (1) step sequence with fully utilizing the ice surface.

The Program Components are only judged in
• Skating Skills
• Performance/Execution
The Factor of the Program Components is 2.5.
Levels explanations:
For Basic Novice A Singles, in all elements which are subject to Levels, only features up to Level 2 will be counted. Any additional features will not count for Level requirements and will be ignored by the Technical Panel.

Ice Dance Basic Novice

Pattern Dance
Rule 711, paragraph 1: for Novice International Competitions, the Pattern Dances will be announced annually by the Ice Dance Technical Committee in an ISU Communication not later than June 1st, to become effective on July 1st of the year following the announcement.

Two (2) Pattern Dances are to be skated:

Group 2: #2 Foxtrot and #5 American Waltz

Music requirements
Rule 707, paragraph 5 provides that, in International Competitions, the current series of ISU Ice Dance music shall be used for the Pattern Dances unless the Ice Dance Technical Committee has decided that the music for one or several Pattern Dances is to be provided by the Couple following certain requirements.

All Components of Pattern Dances are judged.
The factor of the Components is 0.7.

Free Dance
A well balanced free skating program has to meet with ISU Communication 1886.
Duration: 2 mins., 30 sec. +/- 10 sec
Rule 710 shall apply (including that the music may be vocal).

a) Dance Lifts: not more than one (1) Short Lift
b) One (1) Straight Line Step Sequence (Midline or Diagonal) in Hold or Curved Step Sequence (Circular or Serpentine) in Hold
The restrictions listed in ISU Communication 1857 and subsequent updates of this ISU Communication apply.
c) One (1) Set of Synchronized Twizzles
The Dance Spin is not included in the list of Required Elements for the Basic Novice Free Dance. Nevertheless, a spinning movement skated by the couple together in any hold around common axis on one foot (or two feet) with any number of rotations is permitted. A couple may choose to use this movement as part of their choreography. The Technical Panel will ignore these movements and the Judges will not consider these movements as one of the permitted stops.
Levels explanations
For Basic Novice Free Dance, in all Required Elements, only features up to Level 2 will be counted. Any additional features will not count for Level requirements and will be ignored by the Technical Panel. All Program Components are judged.
The factor of the Program Components is 1.0

Single Skating – Cubs A
Age requirements Born after 2005
Free Skating
Duration – Girls: 2 mins. 30 sec. +/- 10 sec
Duration – Boys: 2 mins., 30 sec. +/- 10 sec.

A well-balanced Free Skating Program for Cubs must contain:
Maximum of 4 jump elements for Girls and Boys, and one of which must be an Axel type jump. There may be up to two (2) jump combinations or sequences. A jump sequence can contain any number of umps, but only two most difficult jumps will be counted. A jump combination can contain only two umps. Only two jumps with 1 ½ , 2 or 2 ½ revolutions can be repeated either in a jump combination or n a jump sequence. Triple jumps are not permitted.
There must be a maximum of two (2) spins of a different nature (abbreviation), one of which must be a spin combination with or without change of foot (minimum of six (6) revolutions in total) and one spin with no change of position and with or without change of foot (minimum of six (6) revolutions in total).
There must be a maximum: ci. for Girls one (1) step sequence (2/3 Pattern ) and one spiral consisting of one spiral at least 4 sec long . The sequence (step or spiral) will have a fixed Base value and evaluated in GOE only. cii. For Boys maximum of one (1) step sequence with a fixed Base value and evaluated in GOE only.

The Program Components are only judged in
• Skating Skills
• Performance/Execution
The Factor of the Program Components is 2.5.

Levels explanations:
For Cubs Singles, in all elements, which are subject to Levels, only features up to Level 3 will be counted.
Any additional features will not count for Level requirements and will be ignored by the Technical Panel.

In case the number of entries requires, competitors will be divided into different age groups.

CHICKS A Free Skating only

Girls and Boys (2006/2007 and younger)
2 min., +/- 10 sec.

a) maximum of four (4) jump elements (one of which must be an Axel type jump);
b) maximum of two (2) jump combinations or sequences ( jump combination can contain only two (2) jumps )
c) maximum of two (2) spins of a different nature (minimum of 3 revolutions each);
d) one (1) step sequence.

Pre-Chicks A Free Skating only

Girls and Boys ( 2008 and younger)
2 min., +/- 10 sec.

a) maximum of four (4) jump elements minimum of two ( 2 ) jump elements
b) maximum of two (2) jump combinations or sequences ( jump combination can contain only two (2) jumps. A jump combination containing three (3) jumps is not allowed);
c) maximum of two (2) spins of a different nature (minimum of 3 revolutions each);
d) one (1) step sequence.

• Axel,Lutz,Flip and double (2) jumps are not allowed in pre-chicks category!!!

1. In Chicks and Pre-Chicks categories listed above the Program Components are only judged in

• Skating Skills
• Transitions
• Performance, program composition, music interpretation

The Factor of the Program Components is
• for boys 2.0
• for girls 1.7

2. In all elements which are subject to Levels, only features up to Level 2 will be counted. Any additional features will not count for Level requirements and will be ignored by the Technical Panel.

3. Evaluation is in accordance with ISU Communication No. 1724 (or any update of this Communication).
4. No jump with the same name may be repeated more than twice including Axel type jumps.
5. A jump sequence can contain any number of jumps, but only two (2) most difficult jumps will be counted.
6. Time violation - 0.5 point deduction for every 5 seconds in excess.
7. Falls - 0.5 point deduction for every fall
Сообщений: 320
04.11.2014, 22:13
Group B - Single Skating

Masters Free
A competitor in the Masters Free Skating event must perform a well-balanced program that may contain:
A maximum of seven (7) jump elements, one of which must be an Axel type jump. Single, double and triple jumps are permitted. Any jump can be repeated only once and this repetition must be done either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence. A jump combination may consist of the same or another single, double or triple jump. There may be up to three jump combinations or jump sequences in the Free Program. One jump combination may consist of up to three (3) listed jumps, the other two may consist of up to two (2) listed jumps. A jump sequence may consist of any number of jumps of any number of revolutions that may be linked by non-listed jumps like mazurkas, etc. and/or hops immediately following each other while maintaining the jump rhythm (knee); there can be no steps/ turns, crossovers or stroking during the sequence. However, only the two jumps with the highest value will contribute to the technical score. Please note that a half-loop in combination or in a sequence with any other listed jump will be called as a listed jump (1Lo). Non-listed jumps may be included in the program as part of connecting footwork.
A maximum of three (3) spins of a different abbreviation, one of which must be a spin combination with a change of foot and one must be a flying spin. The spins must have a required minimum number of revolutions: five (5) for the flying spin with no change of foot after landing, five (5) for the spin with only one position and no change of foot, five (5) for the spin combination with no change of foot, and eight (4 + 4) for the spin combination with change of foot or spin in one position with a change of foot. There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each position or the position will not be counted.
A maximum of one step sequence (StSq) fully utilizing the ice surface. The pattern is not restricted. Only the first executed attempt of a step sequence will contribute to the technical score. Additional choreographic sequences and step sequences will not be counted in the technical score but will be counted as moves-in-the field (transitions) and marked as such.
Duration The maximum time is 3 min. +/-10 sec., but may be less.
Factor The panel’s points for each Program Component are multiplied by a factor of 1.6.

Gold Free
A competitor in the Adult Gold Free Skating event must perform a well-balanced program that may contain:
A maximum of six (6) jump elements, consisting of any single or double jumps (including a single Axel) except double Flip, double Lutz and double Axel. No triple jumps are permitted. Any jump can be repeated only once and this repetition must be done either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence. A jump combination may consist of the same or another single or double jump with the exclusion of the jumps as above. There may be up to three jump combinations or jump sequences in the Free Program. One jump combination may consist of up to three (3) listed jumps, the other two may consist of up to two (2) listed jumps. A jump sequence may consist of any number of single and double jumps, excluding a double Flip, a double Lutz, a double Axel and all triple jumps, that may be linked by non-listed jumps like mazurkas, etc. and/or hops immediately following each other while maintaining the jump rhythm (knee); there can be no turns/steps, crossovers or stroking during the sequence. However, only the two jumps with the highest value will contribute to the technical score. Please note that a half-loop in combination or in a sequence with any other listed jump will be called as a listed jump (1Lo). Non-listed jumps may be included in the program as part of connecting footwork, preceding single or double jumps.
A maximum of three (3) spins of a different abbreviation, one of which must be a spin combination with a change of foot and one must be a flying spin. The spins must have a required minimum number of revolutions: four (4) for the flying spin with no change of foot after landing, four (4) for the spin with only one position and no change of foot, four (4) for the spin combination with no change of foot, and eight (4 + 4) for the spin combination with change of foot or spin in one position with a change of foot. There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each position or the position will not be counted.
A maximum of one Choreographic Sequence (ChSq), covering the full ice surface. A Choreographic Sequence consists of any kind of movements like steps, turns, spirals, arabesques, spread eagles, Ina Bauers, hydroblading, transitional (unlisted) jumps, spinning movements etc. The Choreographic Sequence commences with the first move and is concluded with the last move of the skater. The pattern is not restricted. A Choreographic Sequence has a base value and will be evaluated by the judges in GOE only. Only the first executed attempt of a step sequence or choreographic sequence will contribute to the technical score. Additional choreographic sequences and step sequences will not be counted in the technical score but will be counted as moves-in-the field (transitions) and marked as such.
Duration The maximum time is 2 min 40 sec., but may be less.
Factor The panel’s points for each Program Component are multiplied by a factor of 1.6.

Silver Free
A competitor in the Adult Silver Free Skating event must perform a well-balanced program that may contain:
A maximum of five (5) jump elements. The single Axel and all other single jumps are permitted. No double jumps or triple jumps are permitted. Any jump can be repeated only once and this repetition must be done either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence A jump combination may consist of the same or another single jump. There may be up to three jump combinations or jump sequences in the Free Program. One jump combination may consist of up to three (3) listed jumps, the other two may consist of up to two (2) listed jumps. A jump sequence may consist of any number of single jumps that may be linked by non-listed jumps like mazurkas, etc. and/or hops immediately following each other while maintaining the jump rhythm (knee); there can be no turns/steps, crossovers or stroking during the sequence. However, only the two jumps with the highest value will contribute to the technical score. Please note that a half-loop in combination or in a sequence with any other listed jump will be called as a listed jump (1 Lo.)
A maximum of three (3) spins of different abbreviations, one of which must be a spin combination. The spins must have a required minimum number of revolutions: three (3) for the flying spin with no change of foot after landing, three (3) for the spin with only one position and no change of foot, four (4) for the spin combination with no change of foot, and eight (4 + 4) for the spin combination with change of foot or spin in one position with a change of foot. There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each position or the position will not be counted.
A maximum of one Choreographic Sequence (ChSq), covering the full ice surface. A Choreographic Sequence consists of any kind of movements like steps, turns, spirals, arabesques, spread eagles, Ina Bauers, hydroblading, transitional (unlisted) jumps, spinning movements etc. The Choreographic Sequence commences with the first move and is concluded with the last move of the skater. The pattern is not restricted. A Choreographic Sequence has a base value and will be evaluated by the judges in GOE only. Only the first executed attempt of a step sequence or choreographic sequence will contribute to the technical score. Additional choreographic sequences and step sequences will not be counted in the technical score but will be counted as moves-in-the field (transitions) and marked as such.
Duration The maximum time is 2 min. 10 sec., but may be less.
Factor The panel’s points for each Program Component are multiplied by a factor of 1.6.
Сообщений: 320
04.11.2014, 22:16
Bronze Free
A competitor in the Adult Bronze Free Skating event must perform a well-balanced program that may contain:
A maximum of four (4) jump elements. Only single jumps are permitted, no Axel type jump, no double or triple jumps can be included. Any jump can be repeated only once and this repetition must be done either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence. A jump combination may consist of the same or another single jump. There may be up to three jump combinations or jump sequences in the Free Program. One jump combination could consist of up to three (3) listed jumps, the other two up to two (2) listed jumps. A jump sequence may consist of any number of single jumps that may be linked by non-listed jumps like mazurkas, etc. and/or hops immediately following each other while maintaining the jump rhythm (knee); there can be no turns/steps, crossovers or stroking during the sequence. However, only the two jumps with the highest value will contribute to the technical score. Please note that a half-loop in combination or in a sequence with any other listed jump will be called as a listed jump (1Lo).
A maximum of two (2) spins of a different abbreviation. The spins must have a required minimum number of revolutions: three (3) for the spin with only one position and no change of foot, four (4) for the spin combination with no change of foot, and six (3 + 3) for the spin combination with change of foot. Flying spins are not permitted. There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each position or the position will not be counted.
A maximum of one Choreographic Sequence (ChSq), covering the full ice surface. A Choreographic Sequence consists of any kind of movements like steps, turns, spirals, arabesques, spread eagles, Ina Bauers, hydroblading, transitional (unlisted) jumps, spinning movements etc. The Choreographic Sequence commences with the first move and is concluded with the last move of the skater. The pattern is not restricted. A Choreographic Sequence has a base value and will be evaluated by the judges in GOE only. Only the first executed attempt of a step sequence or choreographic sequence will contribute to the technical score. Additional choreographic sequences and step sequences will not be counted in the technical score but will be counted as moves-in-the field (transitions) and marked as such.


Duration The maximum time is 1 min. 50 sec., but may be less.
Factor The panel’s points for each Program Component are multiplied by a factor of 1.6.

Pre-Bronze Free
A competitor in the Adult Bronze Free Skating event must perform a well-balanced program that may contain:
A maximum of four (4) jump elements. Only single jumps are permitted, no Axel type jump, no double or triple jumps can be included. Any jump can be repeated only once and this repetition must be done either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence. A jump combination may consist of the same or another single jump. There may be up to three jump combinations or jump sequences in the Free Program. One jump combination could consist of up to three (3) listed jumps, the other two up to two (2) listed jumps. A jump sequence may consist of any number of single jumps that may be linked by non-listed jumps like mazurkas, etc. and/or hops immediately following each other while maintaining the jump rhythm (knee); there can be no turns/steps, crossovers or stroking during the sequence. However, only the two jumps with the highest value will contribute to the technical score. Please note that a half-loop in combination or in a sequence with any other listed jump will be called as a listed jump (1Lo).
allowed jumps in a half-turn
A maximum of two (2) spins of a different abbreviation. The spins must have a required minimum number of revolutions: three (3) for the spin with only one position and no change of foot, four (4) for the spin combination with no change of foot, and six (3 + 3) for the spin combination with change of foot. Flying spins are not permitted. There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each position or the position will not be counted.
Flying spin forbidden
necessarily the connecting steps, turns and spirals throughout the program


Duration The maximum time is 1 min. 40 sek+/-10 ., but may be less.
Factor The panel’s points for each Program Component are multiplied by a factor of 1.6.


Duration The maximum time is 1.00 + /- 10s, but may be less.
The program includes the following elements:
Sliding step "herringbone"
Sleigh , sled from jumping out
"Lamps " forward, back
Change the front slip from the front to the back stroke
"Snake" forward, back
" Tsapelka "
Lunge move forward, move back
Jumps " goat"
Jumps with a 180 gr. two legs with two
Rotation " tsyrkul ' rotation on two legs
Slipping into a spiral swallow
Allowed a triple twist , jump , " rocker ". Single and more difficult jumps prohibited.
Judges evaluate only the technical part of the program


Duration The maximum time is 1.20 + /- 10s, but may be less
The program includes the following elements:
waltz step (triple) in different directions or at different triple infinite edges
Slide "Pistol+Swallow" or "Swallow + pistol" in the same element
three jump elements (changeover jump, salchow, tulup). Allowed jumps in a half-turn and one turn
two rotations (of which one rotation on two feet in any rotation and Interpretation "screw") for at least two turns
Judges evaluate only the technical part of the program

Сообщений: 320
04.11.2014, 22:21
Эксклюзивный представитель компании RISPORT в Украине в лице Красновой Ирины совместно с СК Ледовая Симфония в лице Цымбал Тамары учредили эксклюзивный приз - профессиональные ботинки RISPORT ROYAL+лезвия WILSON GOLD SEAL REVOLUTION либо профессиональные ботинки RISPORT DANCE+лезвия MK DANCE, который будет разыгран среди всех категорий участников соревнований.

Американская торговая марка ROCKERZ совместно с СК Ледовая Симфония учредила специальные призы для победителей каждой категории.

Все участники соревнований получат памятные подарки от учредителей и спонсоров турнира.


Анастасия Дёма
Сообщений: 12
08.11.2014, 11:07
Добрый день ! Мы бы очень хотели приехать. Мальчик 2005 года .Скажите пожалуйста по какой группе его регистрировать и сколько по времени должно быть музыкальное сопровождение. В Москве выступаем по 1 юн.разряду музыка 3:08
Сообщений: 320
08.11.2014, 14:48
Анастасия Дёма Здравствуйте, Анастасия! По году рождения Ваш мальчик может быть заявлен в категорию Cubs A, можете заявить его также в basic novice А, по длительности программы basic novice В. Посмотрите требования к программам выше. Если Вы будете заявлять ребенка в свою категорию, то придется обрезать программу до необходимой по требованиям. С ув. Оргкомитет
Анастасия Дёма
Сообщений: 12
09.11.2014, 07:32
Большое спасибо! Обязательно приедем ! Только скажите до какого нужно подать заявку .
Сообщений: 320
09.11.2014, 15:08
Анастасия Дёма заявочки уже принимаем. Окончание сроков подачи заявок до 01 февраля 2015г. Форма заявки по ссылке. С ув. Оргкомитет
Ответов:  25
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