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Чемпионат мира среди юниоров 2016

Сообщений: 2511
18.03.2016, 20:45
Чемпионат мира среди юниоров 2016
Murchik пишет:
можно цитату/ссылку на оригинал на английском?

ISU пишет:
3. Determination of the final result
a) The Total Segment Score of the Short Program/Short Dance or Pattern Dance(s) and Free Skating/Free Dance are added and the result constitutes the Final Score of a Skater/Pair/Couple in a competition. The Skater/Pair/Couple with the highest Final Score is first etc.
b) In cases of ties after the Final Score the Skater/Pair/Couple with the highest score for the last skated Segment is placed first etc. If there is a tie in the highest score, the better placement will decide the better place.
In Ice Dance, if two Pattern Dances are to be skated, both dances are even in value. There are no tie-breaking criteria.
c) If there is a tie for this Segment, the placement of the previously skated Segment will count for the better place etc. If there is no previous Segment, Skaters/Pairs/Couples are tied.

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