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Разговоры о взрослых любительских соревнованиях

Сообщений: 808
06.08.2018, 23:58
Разговоры о взрослых любительских соревнованиях
amateur пишет:
Сольный произвольный танец на практике не очень сильно отличается от интерпретации,

....не, выдумывать не нужно. Открываем документ и видим:

Rule 710
1. General Requirements for the Free Dance
a) Free Dance is the skating by the Couple of a creative dance program
blending dance steps and movements expressing the
character/rhythms(s) of the dance music chosen by the Couple;
The Free Dance must contain combinations of new or known dance steps
and movements including Required Elements composed into a well
balanced, whole unit displaying excellent skating technique and the
personal creativity of the Couple in concept, arrangement, and
expression. The program, including Required Elements, must be skated
in time and phase with the music. The Couple should skate primarily in
time to the rhythmic beat, and not to the melody alone. The choreography
should clearly reflect the dance character, accents and nuances of the
chosen dance music, demonstrating a close relationship between partners
with obvious, distinct changes of mood and pace with variations in speed
and tempo. The program must utilize the whole ice surface. The Free
Dance must not have the concept of a Pair or show program;
b) The duration of the Free Dance is indicated in Rule 502, paragraph 4;
c) The music for Free Dance may be vocal and must be suitable for Ice
Dance as a sport discipline and must have the following characteristics:
i) The music must have an audible rhythmic beat and melody, or
audible rhythmic beat alone, but not melody alone, and may be
vocal. The music may be without an audible rhythmic beat for up
to ten (10) seconds at the beginning or end of the program and up to
ten (10) seconds during the program.
ii) The music must have at least one change of tempo/rhythm and
expression. These changes may be gradual or immediate, but in
either case they must be obvious.
iii) All music including classical music must be cut/edited, orchestrated
or arranged in a way that it creates an interesting, colorful,
entertaining dance program with different dance moods or a
building effect.
iv) The music must be suitable for the Couple's skating skills and
technical ability.
Free Dance music that does not adhere to these requirements will be
penalized by a deduction (see Rule 353, paragraph 1.n).
d) All steps and turns are permitted. Deep edges and intricate footwork
displaying skating skill, difficulty, variety and originality that constitute
the distinct technical content of the dance must be included in the
program and performed by both partners. In the interest of the public in
the arena, programs should be choreographed to all sides of the arena
and not only focused to Judges’ side;
e) All elements and movements are permitted provided that they are
appropriate to the character of the music and to the concept of a Well
Balanced Program and are in accordance with the definitions in Rule
f) The number of separations to execute transitional footwork or moves is
not restricted. The distance between partners should not exceed two arms
lengths. The duration of each such separation, outside of Required
Elements requiring a separation, must not exceed five (5) seconds.
Separations at the beginning and/or end of the program may be up to ten
(10) seconds in duration without restrictions on the distance of
separation, unless otherwise specified in an ISU Communication;
g) All changes of hold are permitted. Many and varied holds increase the
difficulty of the program and therefore, should be included. Skating face
to face is considered to be more difficult than skating side by side, hand
in hand, separately or one after the other;
h) After the clock is started with the first movement, the Couple must not
remain in one place for more than ten (10) seconds. During the program
full stops (up to five (5) seconds) in addition to stops required in
Required Elements, in which the Couple remains stationary on the ice
while performing body movements, twisting, posing and the like are
permitted, unless otherwise specified in an ISU Communication;
i) The program must be developed through skating quality rather than
through non-skating actions such as sliding on one knee, or use of toe
steps which should be used only to reflect the character of the dance and
underlining rhythm and nuances of the chosen music;
j) Touching the ice with the hand(s) is not permitted;
k) Kneeling or sliding on two knees, or sitting on the ice is not allowed and
it will be considered by the Technical Panel as a Fall.
2. Well Balanced Free Dance Programs
The list of Required Elements to be included in a Well Balanced Program for
Novice, Junior and Senior Free Dances and the specific requirements for those
elements will be announced in an ISU Communication annually.
The following are options that may be included as Required Elements:
 Dance Lift(s) – see Rule 704 paragraph 16;
 Dance Spin(s) – see Rule 704 paragraph 14;
 Step Sequence(s) – see Rule 703 paragraph 4 (Groups A and B);
 Set(s) of Synchronized Twizzles– see Rule 704 paragraph 12.a);
 Choreographic Element(s) – see Rule 704, paragraph 19.

В документе под названием

as accepted by the 56th Ordinary Congress
June 2016

нет определения Танцев Соло, поэтому сравнение с одиночной Интерпретацией некорректно в принципе.

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