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Сочи 2014. Подготовка к Олимпиаде началась.

Сообщений: 4757
22.04.2011, 20:16
Разъяснения ISU по поводу новой олимпийской дисциплины ФК
На сайте ISU опубликовано Communication No.1671, в котором, в частности, сообщается:
3. Olympic Winter Games (OWG) 2014 – Sochi – inclusion of Figure Skating Team event

The ISU Council was pleased to acknowledge the decision of the Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) confirming the inclusion of the Figure Skating Team event into the program of the Olympic Winter Games (OWG) of Sochi 2014. As previously announced, the 10 best national teams, composed of one Single Lady Skater, one Single Man Skater, 1 Pair Skating couple and 1 Ice Dance couple shall participate in the Short Program of the Team Event. The best 5 teams after the Short Program will then skate the Free Skating. Basically the same skaters who qualified for the individual Figure Skating disciplines (Ladies, Men, Pair Skating, Ice Dance) in the OWG, or the entered substitute/s, are permitted to participate in the Team event. Subject to IOC confirmation there may be some limited possibilities to change some Skaters between the Short Program and the Free Skating.

The ISU in cooperation with the International Olympic Committee is currently working out the detailed qualifying system to determine the 10 teams competing in the Figure Skating Team event at the Sochi 2014 OWG. The qualifying system will be based on the results of ISU Figure Skating Events preceding the 2014 OWG. The qualifying system under preparation will also indicate the applicable entry/substitution procedures, in particular for Members qualified among the 10 teams but not having qualified individual skaters/couples in all the disciplines of the individual Figure Skating events of the OWG. The qualifying system and entry rules and procedures will be announced as soon as submitted to and approved by the IOC.

Источник: http://isu.sportcentric.net/db//files/serve.php?id=2601
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