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07.11.2013, 13:31
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Group B
Single Skating
Masters Free

A competitor in the Masters Free Skating event must perform a well-balanced program that may contain:

A maximum of seven (7) jump elements, one of which must be an Axel type jump. Single, double and triple jumps are permitted. Any jump can be repeated only once and this repetition must be done either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence. A jump combination may consist of the same or another single, double or triple jump. There may be up to three jump combinations or jump sequences in the Free Program. One jump combination may consist of up to three (3) listed jumps, the other two may consist of up to two (2) listed jumps. A jump sequence may consist of any number of jumps of any number of revolutions that may be linked by non-listed jumps like mazurkas, etc. and/or hops immediately following each other while maintaining the jump rhythm (knee); there can be no steps/ turns, crossovers or stroking during the sequence. However, only the two jumps with the highest value will contribute to the technical score. Please note that a half-loop in combination or in a sequence with any other listed jump will be called as a listed jump (1Lo). Non-listed jumps may be included in the program as part of connecting footwork.
A maximum of three (3) spins of a different abbreviation, one of which must be a spin combination with a change of foot and one must be a flying spin. The spins must have a required minimum number of revolutions: five (5) for the flying spin with no change of foot after landing, five (5) for the spin with only one position and no change of foot, five (5) for the spin combination with no change of foot, and eight (4 + 4) for the spin combination with change of foot or spin in one position with a change of foot. There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each position or the position will not be counted.
A maximum of one step sequence (StSq) fully utilizing the ice surface. The pattern is not restricted. Only the first executed attempt of a step sequence will contribute to the technical score. Additional choreographic sequences and step sequences will not be counted in the technical score but will be counted as moves-in-the field (transitions) and marked as such.

Duration The maximum time is 3 min. +/-10 sec., but may be less.
Factor The panel’s points for each Program Component are multiplied by a factor of 1.6.

Gold Free
A competitor in the Adult Gold Free Skating event must perform a well-balanced program that may contain:
A maximum of six (6) jump elements, consisting of any single or double jumps (including a single Axel) except double Flip, double Lutz and double Axel. No triple jumps are permitted. Any jump can be repeated only once and this repetition must be done either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence. A jump combination may consist of the same or another single or double jump with the exclusion of the jumps as above. There may be up to three jump combinations or jump sequences in the Free Program. One jump combination may consist of up to three (3) listed jumps, the other two may consist of up to two (2) listed jumps. A jump sequence may consist of any number of single and double jumps, excluding a double Flip, a double Lutz, a double Axel and all triple jumps, that may be linked by non-listed jumps like mazurkas, etc. and/or hops immediately following each other while maintaining the jump rhythm (knee); there can be no turns/steps, crossovers or stroking during the sequence. However, only the two jumps with the highest value will contribute to the technical score. Please note that a half-loop in combination or in a sequence with any other listed jump will be called as a listed jump (1Lo). Non-listed jumps may be included in the program as part of connecting footwork, preceding single or double jumps.
A maximum of three (3) spins of a different abbreviation, one of which must be a spin combination with a change of foot and one must be a flying spin. The spins must have a required minimum number of revolutions: four (4) for the flying spin with no change of foot after landing, four (4) for the spin with only one position and no change of foot, four (4) for the spin combination with no change of foot, and eight (4 + 4) for the spin combination with change of foot or spin in one position with a change of foot. There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each position or the position will not be counted.
A maximum of one Choreographic Sequence (ChSq), covering the full ice surface. A Choreographic Sequence consists of any kind of movements like steps, turns, spirals, arabesques, spread eagles, Ina Bauers, hydroblading, transitional (unlisted) jumps, spinning movements etc. The Choreographic Sequence commences with the first move and is concluded with the last move of the skater. The pattern is not restricted. A Choreographic Sequence has a base value and will be evaluated by the judges in GOE only. Only the first executed attempt of a step sequence or choreographic sequence will contribute to the technical score. Additional choreographic sequences and step sequences will not be counted in the technical score but will be counted as moves-in-the field (transitions) and marked as such.


Duration The maximum time is 2 min 40 sec., but may be less.
Factor The panel’s points for each Program Component are multiplied by a factor of 1.6.

Silver Free
A competitor in the Adult Silver Free Skating event must perform a well-balanced program that may contain:
A maximum of five (5) jump elements. The single Axel and all other single jumps are permitted. No double jumps or triple jumps are permitted. Any jump can be repeated only once and this repetition must be done either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence A jump combination may consist of the same or another single jump. There may be up to three jump combinations or jump sequences in the Free Program. One jump combination may consist of up to three (3) listed jumps, the other two may consist of up to two (2) listed jumps. A jump sequence may consist of any number of single jumps that may be linked by non-listed jumps like mazurkas, etc. and/or hops immediately following each other while maintaining the jump rhythm (knee); there can be no turns/steps, crossovers or stroking during the sequence. However, only the two jumps with the highest value will contribute to the technical score. Please note that a half-loop in combination or in a sequence with any other listed jump will be called as a listed jump (1 Lo.)
A maximum of three (3) spins of different abbreviations, one of which must be a spin combination. The spins must have a required minimum number of revolutions: three (3) for the flying spin with no change of foot after landing, three (3) for the spin with only one position and no change of foot, four (4) for the spin combination with no change of foot, and eight (4 + 4) for the spin combination with change of foot or spin in one position with a change of foot. There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each position or the position will not be counted.
A maximum of one Choreographic Sequence (ChSq), covering the full ice surface. A Choreographic Sequence consists of any kind of movements like steps, turns, spirals, arabesques, spread eagles, Ina Bauers, hydroblading, transitional (unlisted) jumps, spinning movements etc. The Choreographic Sequence commences with the first move and is concluded with the last move of the skater. The pattern is not restricted. A Choreographic Sequence has a base value and will be evaluated by the judges in GOE only. Only the first executed attempt of a step sequence or choreographic sequence will contribute to the technical score. Additional choreographic sequences and step sequences will not be counted in the technical score but will be counted as moves-in-the field (transitions) and marked as such.


Duration The maximum time is 2 min. 10 sec., but may be less.
Factor The panel’s points for each Program Component are multiplied by a factor of 1.6.
Сообщений: 320
07.11.2013, 13:39
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Bronze Free
A competitor in the Adult Bronze Free Skating event must perform a well-balanced program that may contain:
A maximum of four (4) jump elements. Only single jumps are permitted, no Axel type jump, no double or triple jumps can be included. Any jump can be repeated only once and this repetition must be done either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence. A jump combination may consist of the same or another single jump. There may be up to three jump combinations or jump sequences in the Free Program. One jump combination could consist of up to three (3) listed jumps, the other two up to two (2) listed jumps. A jump sequence may consist of any number of single jumps that may be linked by non-listed jumps like mazurkas, etc. and/or hops immediately following each other while maintaining the jump rhythm (knee); there can be no turns/steps, crossovers or stroking during the sequence. However, only the two jumps with the highest value will contribute to the technical score. Please note that a half-loop in combination or in a sequence with any other listed jump will be called as a listed jump (1Lo).
A maximum of two (2) spins of a different abbreviation. The spins must have a required minimum number of revolutions: three (3) for the spin with only one position and no change of foot, four (4) for the spin combination with no change of foot, and six (3 + 3) for the spin combination with change of foot. Flying spins are not permitted. There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each position or the position will not be counted.
A maximum of one Choreographic Sequence (ChSq), covering the full ice surface. A Choreographic Sequence consists of any kind of movements like steps, turns, spirals, arabesques, spread eagles, Ina Bauers, hydroblading, transitional (unlisted) jumps, spinning movements etc. The Choreographic Sequence commences with the first move and is concluded with the last move of the skater. The pattern is not restricted. A Choreographic Sequence has a base value and will be evaluated by the judges in GOE only. Only the first executed attempt of a step sequence or choreographic sequence will contribute to the technical score. Additional choreographic sequences and step sequences will not be counted in the technical score but will be counted as moves-in-the field (transitions) and marked as such.


Duration The maximum time is 1 min. 50 sec., but may be less.
Factor The panel’s points for each Program Component are multiplied by a factor of 1.6.

Pre-Bronze Free
A competitor in the Adult Bronze Free Skating event must perform a well-balanced program that may contain:
A maximum of four (4) jump elements. Only single jumps are permitted, no Axel type jump, no double or triple jumps can be included. Any jump can be repeated only once and this repetition must be done either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence. A jump combination may consist of the same or another single jump. There may be up to three jump combinations or jump sequences in the Free Program. One jump combination could consist of up to three (3) listed jumps, the other two up to two (2) listed jumps. A jump sequence may consist of any number of single jumps that may be linked by non-listed jumps like mazurkas, etc. and/or hops immediately following each other while maintaining the jump rhythm (knee); there can be no turns/steps, crossovers or stroking during the sequence. However, only the two jumps with the highest value will contribute to the technical score. Please note that a half-loop in combination or in a sequence with any other listed jump will be called as a listed jump (1Lo).
allowed jumps in a half-turn
A maximum of two (2) spins of a different abbreviation. The spins must have a required minimum number of revolutions: three (3) for the spin with only one position and no change of foot, four (4) for the spin combination with no change of foot, and six (3 + 3) for the spin combination with change of foot. Flying spins are not permitted. There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each position or the position will not be counted.
Flying spin forbidden
necessarily the connecting steps, turns and spirals throughout the program


Duration The maximum time is 1 min. 40 sek+/-10 ., but may be less.
Factor The panel’s points for each Program Component are multiplied by a factor of 1.6.

Baby-star Free

The program includes the following elements:
Sliding step "herringbone"
Sleigh , sled from jumping out
"Lamps " forward, back
Change the front slip from the front to the back stroke
"Snake" forward, back
" Tsapelka "
Lunge move forward, move back
Jumps " goat"
Jumps with a 180 gr. two legs with two
Rotation " tsyrkul ' rotation on two legs
Slipping into a spiral swallow
Allowed a triple twist , jump , " rocker ". Single and more difficult jumps prohibited.


Duration The maximum time is 1.00 + /- 10s, but may be less.
Factor The panel’s points for each Program Component are multiplied by a factor of 1.6.
Сообщений: 320
07.11.2013, 13:45
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Ice Dance

Ice Dance General Each couple consists of a man and a lady. The Man must skate the Man's Steps and the Lady must skate the Lady's Steps.

Masters Dance
Pattern Dance
#10 Ravensburger Waltz( 2 sequences)

#21 Argentine Tango ( 2 sequences)

Gold Dance
Pattern Dance
#14 Quickstep( 4 sequences)

# 21 Argentine Tango (2 sequences)

Silver Dance
Pattern Dance
#20 Tango (2 sequences)

# 9 Starlight Waltz (2 sequences)

Bronze Dance
Pattern Dance
#1 Fourteenstep (3 sequences)

#4 European Waltz (2 sequences)

The Referee will indicate the starting point of each dance Factors in each dance for Program Components
Skating Skills 0,75
Performance 0,50
Interpretation 0,50
Timing 0,75

In accordance with ISU Rule 608, Rule 353, paragraph 1.n) (ii) and ISU Communication No.1782, official ISU Pattern Dance music will be used, except that couples shall provide their own music for the following Pattern Dances: Fourteenstep (Bronze), Tango (Silver), Quickstep (Gold), and Ravensburger Waltz (Masters/Masters Elite) . The music must be chosen in accordance with the Rhythm of the Pattern Dance. The tempo throughout the required Sequences must be constant and in accordance with the required tempo of the Pattern Dance (see ISU Handbook Ice Dance 2003) plus or minus 2 beats per minute. The chosen music may be a tune from ISU Ice Dance music. In this case only tunes 1 to 5 can be chosen and the music must be recorded on the skaters’ own disc. OR, in accordance with the tempo requirements below, Bronze skaters may choose their own music for the Fourteenstep, Silver skaters may choose their own music for the Tango, Gold skaters may choose their own music for the Quickstep and Masters /Masters Elite skaters may choose their own music for the Ravensburger Waltz. A violation of tempo specifications will result in a 1.0 point deduction by the Referee. Vocal music may be used.
For the application of Rule 608 paragraph 1.d) with music provided by the Couple, it is specified that the start of the first Step of the dance must be on beat 1 of a measure (unless otherwise specified in the description of the dance.) Rule 607 paragraph 4 provides that the Referee may announce the approximate location at which the Pattern Dances must be started. All Pattern Dances shall be started so that the steps of the first side of the pattern are skated in front of the Judges unless otherwise specified by the Referee. If the Referee changes the side to start, the change must be announced at the time of the first draw for starting order.
Tempo specification for the Pattern Dance music chosen by couples:

- (Bronze): Fourteenstep Tempo- 56 measures of 2 beats per minute or 28 measures of 4 beats per minute or 112 beats per minute, plus or minus 2 beats per minute

- (Silver) : Tango -Tempo- 26 measures of 4 beats per minute – 104 beats per minute, plus or minus 2 beats per minute

- (Gold): Quickstep - 56 measures of 2 beats per minute or 112 beats per minute, plus or minus 2 beats per minute

- ( Masters): Ravensburger Waltz – 66 measures of 3 beats per minute or 198 beats per minute, plus or minus 2 beats per minute.
Sequences must be constant and in accordance with the requiredtempo of the Pattern Dance (see ISU Handbook Ice Dance 2003)plus or minus 2 beats per minute.
The couple shall furnish competition music in accordance with Rule 343, paragraph 1.
The second Pattern Dance in each category will use ISU Ice Dance music which will be provided by the organizers.
The Pattern Dances will be judged without Key Points.
Сообщений: 320
07.11.2013, 13:59
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Masters Free
Free Dance Skaters signing up for this category will compete against other Elite Masters Ice Dancers. The technical requirements are the same as those for the category “Gold Free Dance”.

Gold Free
Free Dance In accordance with Rule 610 and all pertinent ISU Communications.
The requirements for a well-balanced program are:
A maximum of two (2) different dance lifts, 1 short lift with a maximum duration of 6 sec. and 1 long lift with a maximum duration of 12 seconds; OR three (3) different types of short lifts.
A maximum of one (1) Dance Spin, with optional positions. A simple spin with no change of foot consisting of at least three (3) rotations for each partner or a Combination Spin with a change of foot consisting of at least three (3) rotations on each foot is permitted.
A maximum of one (1) Circular in hold Step Sequence (clockwise or anti-clockwise.)
A maximum of one (1) set of Synchronized Twizzles with up to three (3) steps between.
Duration: maximum three (3) minutes and 10 seconds, but may be less.
Factors for program components
Skating Skills 1.25
Transitions/Linking Footwork/Movements 1.75
Performance/Execution 1.00
Composition/Choreography 1.00
Interpretation/Timing 1.00

Silver Free
Free Dance In accordance with Rule 610 and all pertinent ISU Communications.
The requirements for a well-balanced program are:
A maximum of one (1) dance lift, with a maximum duration of 6 sec.
A maximum of one (1) Diagonal in hold Step Sequence.
A maximum of one (1) set of Synchronized Twizzles with up to three (3) steps between.
A maximum of one (1) Dance Spin with optional positions. A simple spin with no change of foot consisting of at least three (3) revolutions for each partner or a Combination Spin with a change of foot consisting of at least three (3) rotations on each foot is permitted.
Duration: maximum two (2) minutes and 40 seconds, but may be less.
Factors for program components
Skating Skills 1.25
Transitions/Linking Footwork/Movements 1.75
Performance/Execution 1.00
Composition/Choreography 1.00
Interpretation/Timing 1.00

Bronze Free
Free Dance In accordance with Rule 610 and all pertinent ISU Communications.
The requirements for a well-balanced program are:
A maximum of one (1) dance lift, with a maximum duration of 6 sec.
A maximum of one (1) Diagonal in hold Step Sequence.
A maximum of one (1) Dance Spin with optional positions. A simple spin with no change of foot consisting of at least three (3) revolutions for each partner or a Combination Spin with a change of foot consisting of at least three (3) rotations on each foot is permitted.

Duration: maximum two (2) minutes, but may be less.

Factors for program components
Skating Skills 1.25
Transitions/Linking Footwork/Movements 1.75
Performance/Execution 1.00
Composition/Choreography 1.00
Interpretation/Timing 1.00
Сообщений: 320
07.11.2013, 14:07
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Также с положением можно ознакомиться по ссылке http://skating.com.ua/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4560
Сообщений: 320
11.11.2013, 12:30
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Здравствуйте, уважаемые любители фигурного катания! Отвечу на несколько сообщений сразу. В какую категорию выступающих вы будете заявлятся, наверное должен принять решение ваш тренер. Если ребенок выполняет требования более старшей категории, то никто возражать не будет. Единственное, что с более младшей категорией выступать нельзя. Возрастные рамки определяются на 1 июля текущего сезона. С ув. Оргкомитет
Сообщений: 320
11.11.2013, 12:36
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
По взрослым: отдельно взрослого турнира нет. Смотря в какой категории вы заявляетесь. Гр. В будет и в субботу и в пятницу. Уточните пожалуйста категорию. С ув. Оргкомитет
Сообщений: 320
11.11.2013, 12:45
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Джулия Здравсьтвуйте! В положении указаны требования к категориям как по гр. А так и по гр. В. Предлагаю Вам совместно с тренером определить категорию для участия в соревнованиях. Соревнования будут проходить не по разрядным правилам, а по правилам, принятым в Европе
Сообщений: 320
11.11.2013, 12:52
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
В состав судейской бригады вошли судьи и технисеские специалисты Украины, Польши, Российской Федерации, Республики Беларусь
Сообщений: 320
11.11.2013, 12:57
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Предварительное расписания будет после 15 ноября. С ув. Оргкомитет
Сообщений: 320
11.11.2013, 17:57
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
И Вас подлечат Здравствуйте! Если у Вашего тренера есть вопросы к требованиям по категориям, мы с удовольствием на них ответим. Ваш тренр может нам написать на электронную почту либо написать личное мообщение на сайте. С ув. Оргкомитет
Сообщений: 320
12.11.2013, 17:47
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Уважаемые участники турнира, тренера, руководители клубов! На территории Ледовой арены Мегамолл действует электронная система пропусков. Поэтому для того, чтобы попапасть в зону соревнований у вас должен быть оформлен электронный пропуск. Чтобы не возникло недоразумений во время проведения соревнований просьба к заявке приложить список сопровождающих лиц, которым будет открыт доступ в спортивную зону. Если такового допуска не будет, Вас допустят только в зрительскую зону на трибуны. Спасибо за понимание. С ув.Оргкомитет
Сообщений: 320
15.11.2013, 20:22
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Еще отели в Виннице:
1. Мини-отель "Дача", ул.Привокзальная, 19-А

2. Гостиничный комплекс "Идеал", ул.Некрасова, 73

3. Мини-отель "Катрин", ул.Артема, 5

4. Мини отель RIA Hotel

5. Отель "Жовтневый" (Октябрьский), ул.Пирогова, 2
http://www.stejka.com/rus/vinnickaja/vi ... jovtnevyy/

Ссылка на сайт катка: http://megamoll.com.ua/ice-arena-katok-vinnitsa.html
Сообщений: 320
20.11.2013, 12:51
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Уважаемые тренера, руководители школ, клубов!
В группе А добавлена категория Pair Skating Advanced Novice. Требования к программам согластно Communication No. 1760 SINGLE & PAIR SKATING, ICE DANCE and SYNCHRONIZED
Pair Skating Advanced Novice

The Short Program for Pairs shall consist of the following elements:

a) One lift of Groups 1 to 4, one arm holds not allowed
b) One Twist lift (single or double)
c) One solo jump (single or double)
d) One solo spin or solo spin combination (minimum of five (5) revolutions in total)
e) One death spiral or any other pivot figure *)
f) One step sequence with full utilization of the ice surface

A well balanced Free Skating program must contain a maximum of:

g) Two different lifts of Groups 1 to 4, one arm holds not allowed, (in group 1 and 2 full
extension of the lifting arm of the partner is not required).
h) One Twist lift (single or double)
i) One Throw jump (single or double)
j) One solo jump (single or double)
k) One pair spin or pair spin combination (minimum of five (5) revolutions in total)
l) One death spiral or any other pivot figure *)
m) One choreographic sequence which includes at least one (1) spiral position of each
partner at least three (3) seconds long. The sequence will have a fixed Base value and
evaluated in GOE only

*If a death spiral is executed, it is marked according to ISU Technical Rules Single & Pair
Skating 2012. In other cases for the Death Spiral there are no Levels.

Levels explanations:
For Advanced Novice Pairs, in all elements which are subject to Levels, only features up to
Level 3 will be counted. Any additional features will not count for Level requirements and
will be ignored by the Technical Panel.

The Program Components are only judged in
 Skating Skills
 Transitions
 Performance/Execution
 Interpretation

The Factor of the Program Components is:

a) Short Program 0.8
b) Free Skating 1.6
Сообщений: 320
21.11.2013, 12:44
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
scarletcv здравствуйте! время по возрастам не соответствует российским требованияш. требования к программам европейские. поэтому есть два варианта - первый обрезать время до необходимого,второй кататься в другой категории в соответствием со своей программой. оргкомитет
Сообщений: 320
21.11.2013, 12:53
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Каз-Тан Здравствуйте! К сожалению, из Симферополя заявок нет. Оргкомитет
Сообщений: 320
21.11.2013, 14:14
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Гостиприимный лёд Винницы будет рад приветствовать спортсменов из Украины, Российской Федерации, Республики Беларусь, Молдовы, Казахстана, Кипра. ДОБРО ПОЖАЛОВАТЬ К НАМ В ГОСТИ!!!
Сообщений: 320
22.11.2013, 14:32
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Уважаемые руководители школ, клубов, тренера! Подача заявок на наш старт заканчивается 1 декабря 2013г. Все заявки, поданные после этой даты рассматриваться не будут. Благодарим за понимание. С ув.Оргкомитет
Сообщений: 320
25.11.2013, 15:42
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Здравствуйте уважаемые любители фигурного катания!
Приблезительное рассписание:

12.12.2013г. - жеребьёвка 15.30
открытие, гала-шоу 17.00

13.12.2013г. - Junior, Advanced Novice - короткая программа
Ice Dance - короткий танец, обязательный танец
Basic Novice A, Basic Novice B, Cubs, Chicks, Pre-Chicks - произвольная
Pre-bronze - произвольная программа

14.12.2013г. - Junior, Advanced Novice - произвольная программа
Ice Dance - призвольный танец
Baby-Star, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Master - произвольная программа

Поскольку еще не все заявки приняты, то в рассписании может быть изменения!
Сообщений: 320
25.11.2013, 15:54
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Информация от Ледового комплекса "Мегамолл Арена"

Уважаемые участники турнира VINNITSA TROPHY 2013,

Благодарим вас за выбор Ледовой Арены ТРЦ Мегамолл в качестве площадки для проведения мероприятия! ТРЦ Мегамолл является крупнейшим торгово-развлекательным центром региона. 2013 год ознаменовал активное развитие инфраструктуры ТРЦ, что способствовало значительному увеличению семейной и молодежной аудиторий. Именно поэтому мы можем обеспечить участникам и зрителям соревнований самые комфортные условия пребывания в ТРЦ, включая питание и развлечения.
Фуд-корт Мегамолла представлен самой разнообразной по своей идее и содержанию кухней http://megamoll.com.ua/galereya-restoranov-i-kafe/:
Сбалансированная европейская, франко-итальянская, японская кухни – кафе «У фонтана»;
Разнообразная европейская кухня, спортивное меню – РК Амагама-Мегамолл (кафе «Сакура»)
Восхитительные десерты, сладости и ароматный итальянский кофе – кофейня «Danesi»;
Детское меню, веселая презентация блюд, спортивный комплекс – игровое кафе «Мегамоша;
К Вашим услугам сытный и вкусный комплексный обед по цене 30 грн. В РК Амагама-Мегамолл. Также, к Вашим услугам развлекательный комплекс Амагама-Мегамолл: 20 дорожек боулинга, русский бильярд, Пул, настольный теннис, тир http://megamoll.com.ua/entertainment/
Рекомендуем: 14 декабря в 18.00 в ТРЦ Мегамолл состоится торжественное открытие новогодней экологической арт-инсталяции. Приглашаем вас и ваших детей на наш праздник! http://megamoll.com.ua/eco-elka.html
Вас ожидает теплый прием. ТРЦ Мегамолл приложит максимум усилий для того, чтобы вы захотели приехать к нам вновь!

С уважением, администрация ТРЦ Мегамолл
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