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Расписание и участники серии Гран-при сезона 2015/2016

Сообщений: 13290
23.11.2015, 19:11
Расписание и участники серии Гран-при сезона 2015/2016
Официальное объявление последствий отмены произвольных прокатов во Франции, условий попадания на ФГП и формирования рейтингов: http://static.isu.org/media/1012/1980-isu-gp-fra-2015-partial-cancelati

Часть про ФГП:

3) Exceptional Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final qualification criteria As usual, the top 6 Skaters/Couples placed in the final Grand Prix of Figure Skating season 2015/16 ranking (after the last individual event of the 2015/16 ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating series, the NHK Trophy) will qualify for the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final in Barcelona, while places 7 to 9 are the Substitute Skaters/Couples for the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final and need to stay on stand-by in case of a withdrawal of the top 6 ranked Competitors.

However, following the events as mentioned above and due to the fact that no Free Skating/Free Dance segments could be skated at the Grand Prix event in Bordeaux, any first Substitute Skater/Couple (placed 7th in the above-mentioned 2015/16 Grand Prix ranking) will be invited to join the qualified Skaters/Couples, provided that this/these Competitor(s) has/have skated the Short Program/Short Dance at the event in Bordeaux. Such additional Competitor(s) will be added to the qualified Competitors for the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final 2015/16 and the warm-up groups will be adjusted accordingly once the number of participating Competitors is confirmed.

The ISU will cover the costs for travel and full board on site for such an additional Competitor(s) possibly entered into the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final. The usual procedure for the Substitute Skaters/Couples will remain unchanged. The International Skating Union reiterates its deepest sympathies to the victims of the attacks in Paris.

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