Лорин (или как звучит ее имя) не платьюшком, так песней отожгла. Я прифигевши от этих "My Heart Belongs to Daddy", аж пошла узучать культурный бекграунд данного произведения.)))
А так хороша, хотя и прибавила (в объемах и, наверное, весе).
"In the original context, Dolly is stranded at a Siberian railway station, wearing only a fur coat, and performs a striptease while singing the song. Surrounded by eager Siberian men, she says that since she has met "daddy", she will flirt with other men, but won't "follow through". "Daddy" is her sugar daddy, a newspaper magnate introduced with the words, "I've come to care, for such a sweet millionaire"."