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Сообщения пользователя iceseminar

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Сообщений: 320
16.06.2013, 19:16
Доска объявлений: Летние сборы на Украине
Уважаемые наставники и родители фигуристов!
Приглашаем посетить летний семинар по фигурному катанию.
Семинар проводится по направлениям: одиночное катание, спортивные танцы на льду, парное катание.
Семинары будут проводить мастера спорта международного класса, участники и призёры международных соревнований, участники олимпийских игр.
Место проведения семинара — г. Симферополь, Ледовый дворец «Консоль-спорт».
Длительность: 11 дней.
В программу семинара входит:
- ежедневные тренировки на льду
- отработка тестов по скольжению
- занятия ОФП, СФП
- хореография
- спа-релакс, бассейн
Группы 10-12 человек.
Первый семинар пройдет с 15.06 2013г.
Семинар будут проводить:
1. Марченко Игорь Васильевич, мастер спорта международного класса
2. Григоренко Юлия Анатольевна, мастер спорта международного класса
Соколов Павел Александрович, кандидат в мастера спорта

Семинары пройдут:
с 01.07.2013г. по 11.07.2013г. - одиночное катание, спортивные танцы
с 15.07.2013г. по 25.07.2013г. - одиночное катание, спортивные танцы, спортивные пары
с 01.08.2013г. по 11.08.2013г. - одиночное катание, спортивные танцы, спортивные пары
с 15.08.2013г. по 25.08.2013г. - одиночное катание, спортивные танцы, спортивные пары

Группы одиночного катания будут разделены по возрастам и по разрядам.
В случае, если будут спортивные пары и танцоры на другие сроки, мы с удовольствием будем рады вас видеть!
За дополнительной информацией обращаться по телефону: +38-067-263-26-11 либо iceseminar@mail.ru
Финансовая информация:
1. Проживание организовано в двух вариантах - эконом от 50 грн в сутки в База-гостиница МДЦ Артек в 10 мин от катка, гостинница Спорт в 20 мин от катка, номера 2-х, 3-х местные от 220 грн в сутки, текже за эту сумму Вы можете снять отдно, двухкомнатную квартиру в Симферополе.
2. Питание организовано в ресторане Премиум-клуба Консоль на территории спортивного комплекса от 30 грн за комплекс.
3. 1.5 часа льда, 1.5 часа ОФП, СФП, 1 час хореографии ежедневно. В конце семинара экскурсия.

Будем рады, если Вы посетите нас! С ув. Оргкомитет
Сообщений: 320
19.06.2013, 19:09
Доска объявлений: Летние сборы на Украине
Сообщений: 320
24.06.2013, 13:48
Доска объявлений: Летние сборы на Украине
Формируются группы на сессию с 01.07 и с 15.07. Есть еще места.
Сообщений: 320
30.06.2013, 12:20
Доска объявлений: Летние сборы на Украине
Сообщений: 320
05.07.2013, 14:21
Доска объявлений: Летние сборы на Украине
Сообщений: 320
09.07.2013, 12:20
Доска объявлений: Летние сборы на Украине
Принимаются заявки на август
Сообщений: 320
16.07.2013, 23:54
Доска объявлений: Летние сборы на Украине
Сообщений: 320
25.10.2013, 11:53
Дети и спорт: ISU Volvo open cup 22nd (7-10.11.2013, Riga, Latvia)
Olga_jk[/b Здравствуйте организаторы! Хотелось бы очень списки увидеть.
Сообщений: 320
29.10.2013, 13:14
Дети и спорт: ISU Volvo open cup 22nd (7-10.11.2013, Riga, Latvia)
Уважаемая Ольга! Можно озвучить списки, очень хочеться предварительно знать с кем соревнуемся в одной категории.
Сообщений: 320
31.10.2013, 16:09
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Уважаемые любители фигурного катания!
Приглашаем всех принять участие 12-15 декабря 2013г. в соревнованиях по фигурному катанию на коньках VINNITSA TROPHY 2013, которые пройдут на Ледовой арене "Мегамол", г.Винница, ул.600-летия, 17.
Соревнования будут проходить в двух группах: группа А (учащиеся школ и клубов, занимающиеся более 3-х раз в неделю) и группа В (занимающиеся до 3-х раз в неделю). Соревнования будут проходить по категориям: одиночное катание, спортивные пары, спортивные танцы на льду.
Будем рады приветствовать всех участников на гостипреимном льду Винницы!
Сообщений: 320
31.10.2013, 17:49
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Положение о соревнованиях будет выложено в течении нескольких дней
Сообщений: 320
01.11.2013, 11:07
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Уважаемые любители фигурного катания!
Ледовая арена находится на территории торгово-развлекательного центра Мегамол. Ледовая Арена предназначена для проведения спортивных соревнований по хоккею с шайбой и фигурному катанию любого уровня, размер площадки 60Х30 м, зона для зрителей на 550 мест (вход отдельный), есть оборудованные раздевалки, санузел, медпункт. Ледовая Арена соответствует европейским стандартам качества.
На территории торгово-развлекательного центра также народятся кинотеатр, боулинг, бильярд, настольный тенис, множество кафе.
Для участников соревнований и сопровождающих лиц будут организованы комплексные обеды.
Предварительно по расписанию:
12 декабря 2013г. - день приезда, регистрация, жеребьевка, гала-шоу
13 декабря, 14 декабря 2013г. - соревнования
15 декабря 2013 г. - соревнования, день отъезда
Видеосьемка будет производится компьютерной бригадой, фотосьемка - Дмитрий Путинцев
Сообщений: 320
02.11.2013, 22:55
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Luchik Здравствуйте! Да, Винница это Западная Украина, является культурным и историческим городом, который гостиприимно принимает гостей. Мы будем рады видеть российских спортсменов у нас в гостях.
Сообщений: 320
03.11.2013, 00:03
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Также ожидаются спортсмены из Польши, Финляндии, Белоруссии, Молдовы, Грузии,Армении. Будем рады приветствовать всех в Виннице!
Сообщений: 320
03.11.2013, 13:58
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Амарант, я не думаю, что тема о детских соревнованиях - это тема обсуждения употребления алкогольных напитков
Сообщений: 320
04.11.2013, 10:31
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Кентавр категория - юниоры
Сообщений: 320
04.11.2013, 12:46
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Кентавр Ice Dance
- Junior
- NON-ISU Junior
- Advanced Novice
- Basic Novice
- NON-ISU Basic Novice
- Junior
Сообщений: 320
07.11.2013, 12:57
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013

Welcome to Vinnitsa!

West-Ukrainian League of figure skating and the Organizing Committee,

we are glad to invite you to participate in the VINNITSA TROPHY 2013

Figure Skating & Ice Dance Competition


The VINNITSA TROPHY 2013 Figure Skating and Ice Dance is an International Competition for Men , Ladies and Ice Dance ( Novices,Juniors,Seniors).It will be conducted in accordance with ISU Constitution and General Regulations 2012 & Technical Rules 2012 and the relevant ISU Communications. Participation in the VINNITSA TROPHY 2013 is open to all Competitiors who belong to an ISU Member.

The Competition will be held at the Ice Arena Megamol.
Ukraine, Vinnitsa, street 600th anniversary, 17
DATES: December 12-15, 2013.
Arrival of the participants – December 12, 2013.
The venue has main arena (30m x 60 m)

All categories according to ISU rules 2012 and the New Judging System.
Categories group A:
Single Skating
- Junior
- Advanced Novice
- Basic Novice A
- Basic Novice B
- Cubs
- Chicks
- Pre-Chicks
Ice Dance
- Junior
- Advanced Novice
- Basic Novice
- NON-ISU Basic Novice
- Junior
Categories group B:
Single Skating
- Baby-star
- Pre-bronze
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
- Masters
Ice Dance
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
- Masters
Categories by age groupB:
Class I 5-7 years from 1 July 2006 to 31 December 2008 GR
Class II 7-9 years with July 1, 2004 to December 31, 2006 GR
Class III 9-12 years with 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2004, GR
Class IV 12-16 years with July 1, 1997 through June 30, 2001 GR
Class V 16-26 years with July 1, 1987 through June 30, 1997 GR
Class VI 26-36 years with July 1, 1977 through June 30, 1987 GR
Class VII 36-46 years with July 1, 1967 through June 30, 1977 GR
Class VIII 46-56 s 1 July 1957 to 30 June 1967, GR
Class IX 56-75 years with July 1, 1938 through June 30, 1957 GR

The organizers reserve right to combine age groups, if stated in the category of less than three


Each Member may enter 3 (three) Competitors in each category. In case of too many entries, the Organizer reserves the right to limit the number of participants. Entries must be sent to the Organizer using the official entry forms. Entries must be made by the Member concerned and forwarded by letter, fax of electronic mail. The entry forms listing Competitors and substitutes must be sent to:

VINNITSA TROPHY 2013 Organizing Committee:
West-Ukrainian League of figure skating, SK Ice Symphony
Tel: +38 097 302 23 75, + 38 063 5295965
E-mail: iceseminar@mail.ru Contact person: Tamara Tsymbal

Entries by Number:
Preliminary entries indicating the number of Skaters & Judges in the disciplines concerned must be made not later than December 1, 2013


All Competitors shall furnish competition music of excellent quality on CD format, in accordance with Rule 343, paragraph 1. All discs must show Competitor’s name & the Nation. Each program (short program, free skating, short dance, free dance) must be recorded on a separate disc.


Judging and calculations will be done according to ISU Special Regulations Single & Pair Skating and Ice Dance 2012, Rule 352 and 353. The three best-placed Skaters/Couples in each event will be announced and honoured at the official Victory Ceremony. Winners will be awarded with medals, diplomas and cups. All competitors will be awarded gifts. Awarding held after each event.


Accreditation will be given to all Event Referees, Technical Controllers, Technical Specialists, Data / Video Operator, all accepted Judges, Participants, one Team Leader and one Coach per Skater / Couple. Accreditation will not be issued without presentation of a valid passport. Accreditation will be given in the Ice Arena Megamol at the Accreditation Office. If the required forms are not complete and music discs are not provided, accreditation will not be given.


€ 20 for Baby-Star, € (EURO) 30 for Single skater and € 45 for Pair or Dance couple have to be paid at the registration before the Competition. A shuttle service from the airport, bus station, railway station for a fee.
Entry fee goes to pay rent ice premium fund and payment of refereeing. Competitors are provided locker rooms, a café, a place for spectators. Exit to the rink for accreditation only to representatives of teams (not more than 2 people on the team). To obtain accreditation must submit in advance a list of participants, coaches and officials. The costs of travel, accommodation and meals at the expense of the sending organization.


The official hotel for Judges, Team Officials, Skaters, Team Leaders, Coaches and Competitors:

1. Hotel Vinnitsa
The official website of the hotel Vinnitsa: hotel-savoy.vn.ua
Phone: +38 (0432) 61-03-32

2. Hotel Podolye
address: Vinnytsia, str. Pushkin, 4
WEB: podolye-hotel.org.ua
+38 (065) 2544-999, +38 (065) 2709-111, +38 (065) 2541-110
+38 (066) 949-16-11, +38 (093) 042-21-73, +38 (096) 582-61-74
E-mail: info@sezon.in; skype: sezon-krim; icq: 626238920

3. Hotel Versal
The official website of the hotel Versailles: hotel-versal.com
Phone: +38 (0432) 27-37-13, +38 (0432) 09.27.60

4. Hotel Gostinniy dvor
address: Vinnytsia, str. Pirogov 135
Reservations:+38 (065) 2709-111, +38 (065) 2544-999, +38 (065) 2541-110, +38 (066) 949-16-11, +38 (093) 042-21-73, + 38 (096) 582-61-74
E-mail: info@sezon.in; skype: sezon-krim; icq: 626238920


For the participants, coaches, accompanying persons will be organized dinners in the Ice Arena Megamol in the dining area


According to the ISU Rule 119, the Organizer accepts no liability for bodily or personal injury, or for property lost or damage incurred by any Competitors or any kind of Officials. The Organizer will provide medical emergency aid during the Сompetition.


During the competition will be carried out photos and videos, immediately upon completion of the form you can order and pick up the electronic counterparts at the photographer's photos, and videos can order the computer team. The organizing committee reserves the right to publish the photos and video on the subject sites, the media, etc., in the form of reports and in order to promote figure skating.

This provision is an official call to the start!!!

Сообщений: 320
07.11.2013, 13:04
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
Group A
All categories according to ISU rules 2012 and the New Judging System.

Junior MEN
Short Program
The required elements to be skated are those listed in ISU Technical Rules Single & Pair Skating 2012
Rule 511, paragraphs 1 and 3 for 2013/14 and the respective ISU Communications.

Duration: 2 min., 50 sec. maximum, but may be less

Free Skating
In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Single & Pair Skating 2012, Rule 512 and the respective ISU
Communication(s). Special attention should be paid to the “well balanced program” and the element

Duration: 4 min., +/- 10 sec.

Short Program
The required elements to be skated are those listed in ISU Technical Rules Single & Pair Skating 2012
Rule 511, paragraphs 1 and 3 for 2013/14 and the respective ISU Communications.

Duration: 2 min., 50 sec. maximum, but may be less

Free Skating
In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Single & Pair Skating 2012, Rule 512 and the respective ISU
Communication(s). Special attention should be paid to the “well balanced program” and the element

Duration: 3 min., 30 sec. +/- 10 sec.

Short Dance
In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Ice Dance 2012, Rule 609.
Rhythms, required elements and guidelines are those listed in ISU Communication 1782 and subsequent

Duration: 2 min., 50 sec., +/- 10 sec

Free Dance
In accordance with the ISU Technical Rules Ice Dance 2012, Rule 610,.
The required elements to be skated are those listed in ISU Communication 1782 and subsequent updates.

Duration: 3 min., 30 sec., +/- 10 sec

Junior Pairs

Short Program The required elements to be skated are those listed in ISU
Technical Rules Single & Pair Skating 2012, Rule 520,
paragraphs 1 and 3 for 2013/14.

Duration: 2 min., 50 sec. maximum, but may be less

Free Skating In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Figure Skating & Pairs
Skating 2012, Rule 521 and the respective ISU Communication.
Special attention should be paid to the “well balanced program”
and the element value.

Duration: 4 min., +/- 10 sec.

Novice Categories will be held in accordance with the ISU Technical Rules Single & Pair Skating and Ice
Dance 2012 and the respective ISU Communications (ISU Communications 1649, 1670, 1760, 1782, and
subsequent updates).

Age requirements set according to General Regulations 2012 Rule 108, paragraph 2.d) and subsequent
“In International Novice Competitions a Novice is a Skater who has met the following requirements
before July 1st
preceding the competitions:
i) has reached at least the age of ten (10);
ii) has not reached the age of fifteen (15).”

Advanced Novice Boys
Short Program
In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Single and Pair Skating 2012 and the respective ISU
Duration: 2 mins., 30 sec +/- 10 sec

Free Skating
In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Single and Pair Skating 2012 and the respective ISU
Duration: 3 mins., 30 sec. +/- 10 sec

Advanced Novice Girls
Short Program
In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Single and Pair Skating 2012 and the respective ISU
Duration: 2 mins., 30 sec +/- 10 sec

Free Skating
In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Single and Pair Skating 2012 and the respective ISU
Duration: 3 mins. +/- 10 sec

Advanced Novice Ice Dance
Pattern Dance
In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Ice Dance 2012 and all pertinent ISU Communications. (ISU
Communications 1760 and 1782 and subsequent updates)
# Kilian # Blues

Free Dance
In accordance with ISU Technical Rules Ice Dance 2012 and all pertinent ISU Communications.
The required elements to be skated are those listed in ISU Communication 1760, 1782 and subsequent
Duration: 3 mins. +/- 10 sec

Single Skating Basic Novice – Girls & Boys

Basic Novice B (older subgroup)
Age requirements
a.) Has reached at least the age of thirteen (13)
b.) Has NOT reached the age of fifteen (15) for girls and boys

Free Skating
A well balanced free skating program has to meet with ISU Communication 1649 and all respective ISU
Communications (ISU Communication 1760).
Duration: 3 mins +/- 10 sec for boys and girls

Basic Novice A (younger subgroup)
Age requirements
a.) Has reached at least the age of ten (10)
b.) Has NOT reached the age of thirteen (13) for girls and boys

Free Skating
A well balanced free skating program has to meet with ISU Communication 1649 and all respective ISU
Communications (ISU Communication 1760).
Duration: 2 mins., 30 sec.

Ice Dance Basic Novice
Pattern Dance
Two (2) Pattern Dances are to be skated for Basic Novice as per ISU Communication 1760, 1782 and
subsequent updates.
# 14-Step # European Waltz

Free Dance
A well balanced free skating program has to meet with ISU Communication 1760, 1782 and subsequent
Duration: 2 mins., 30 sec. +/- 10 sec

Single Skating – Cubs
Age requirements Born after 2003-2004
Free Skating
Duration – Girls: 2 mins. 30 sec. +/- 10 sec
Duration – Boys: 2 mins., 30 sec. +/- 10 sec.

A well-balanced Free Skating Program for Cubs must contain:
Maximum of 4 jump elements for Girls and Boys, and one of which must be an Axel type jump. There may be up to two (2) jump combinations or sequences. A jump sequence can contain any number of umps, but only two most difficult jumps will be counted. A jump combination can contain only two umps. Only two jumps with 1 ½ , 2 or 2 ½ revolutions can be repeated either in a jump combination or n a jump sequence. Triple jumps are not permitted.
There must be a maximum of two (2) spins of a different nature (abbreviation), one of which must be a spin combination with or without change of foot (minimum of six (6) revolutions in total) and one spin with no change of position and with or without change of foot (minimum of six (6) revolutions in total).
There must be a maximum: ci. for Girls one (1) step sequence (2/3 Pattern ) and one spiral consisting of one spiral at least 4 sec long . The sequence (step or spiral) will have a fixed Base value and evaluated in GOE only. cii. For Boys maximum of one (1) step sequence with a fixed Base value and evaluated in GOE only.

The Program Components are only judged in
• Skating Skills
• Performance/Execution
The Factor of the Program Components is 2.5.

Levels explanations:
For Cubs Singles, in all elements, which are subject to Levels, only features up to Level 3 will be counted.
Any additional features will not count for Level requirements and will be ignored by the Technical Panel.

In case the number of entries requires, competitors will be divided into different age groups.

Ice Dance NON ISU Basic Novice
Age requirements Born after 1st
of July 2000 or younger

Pattern Dance
Fourteenstep (with key points)

Free Dance
Duration: 2 mins., 30 sec. +/- 10 sec

A Well Balanced Free Dance program must contain
One (1) Short Lift (as defined in Rule 604, paragraph 16), chosen from the following Types of Lifts:
aa) Straight Line Lift
ab) Curve Lift
ac) Rotational Lift
In addition, one (1) additional Lift (up to 10 seconds) without any requirement for the Level of Difficulty
is permitted (provided it is not an Illegal Lift), but only the first Lift performed will be identified and
considered in determining the Level of Difficulty.
However if a third Lift is performed, it will be considered by the Technical Panel as an extra element. In
case a Stationary Lift is performed as the Lift with a Level of Difficulty, it will be identified by the
Technical Panel to occupy a box, given No Value, and considered as an extra element (element not
according to the Well Balanced Program).
One (1) Step Sequence in hold of any type of Groups A or B (as defined in Rule 603, paragraph 3). The restrictions listed in ISU Communication 1610 and subsequent updates of this ISU Communication apply.
One (1) Set of Synchronized Twizzles (as defined in Rule 604, paragraph 14 a) and b): only the first set of Synchronized Twizzles skated will be identified and considered for the Level of Difficulty.

The Dance Spin is not included in the list of Required Elements for the Basic Novice Free Dance.
Nevertheless, a spinning movement skated by the couple together in any hold around common axis on
one foot (or two feet) with any number of rotations is permitted. A couple may choose to use this
movement as part of their choreography. The Technical Panel will ignore these movements and the
Judges will not consider these movements as one of the permitted stops.
Duration 2 min., 30 sec. +/- 10 sec

Levels explanations
For Basic Novice Free Dance, in all Required Elements, only features up to Level 2 will be counted. Any
additional features will not count for Level requirements and will be ignored by the Technical Panel.
All Program Components are judged with the following factors:
Skating Skills 1.10
Transitions/ Linking Footwork/Movements 0.90
Performance/Execution 0.90
Composition/Choreography 0.90
Interpretation/Timing 0.90

Rule 610 shall apply except that vocal music is not permitted. The use of vocal music shall be considered
as a violation of music restriction and penalized as per Rule 653, paragraph 1 n) (ii) and Rule 409,
paragraph 1.
Requirements for the music and the costume: as per ISU Communication 1610 and subsequent updates
of this ISU Communication (except that music may not be vocal).
Сообщений: 320
07.11.2013, 13:10
Дети и спорт: Vinnitsa trophy 2013
CHICKS Free Skating only

Girls and Boys (2005/2006 and younger)
2 min., +/- 10 sec.

a) maximum of four (4) jump elements (one of which must be an Axel type jump);
b) maximum of two (2) jump combinations or sequences ( jump combination can contain
only two (2) jumps )
c) maximum of two (2) spins of a different nature (minimum of 3 revolutions each);
d) one (1) step sequence.

Pre-Chicks Free Skating only

Girls and Boys ( 2007 and younger)
2 min., +/- 10 sec.

a) maximum of four (4) jump elements minimum of two ( 2 ) jump elements
b) maximum of two (2) jump combinations or sequences ( jump combination can
contain only two (2) jumps. A jump combination containing three (3) jumps is not
c) maximum of two (2) spins of a different nature (minimum of 3 revolutions each);
d) one (1) step sequence.

• Axel,Lutz,Flip and double (2) jumps are not allowed in pre-chicks category!!!
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